So Much For Climate Change, ‘Arctic Vortex’ Brings Record Cold To U.S.

We were just talking about climate change the other day, which is brought forward by U.N. Agenda 2030. As usual, lies always reveal themselves. The Arctic Vortex the United States is experiencing displays our planet is not warming, it simply goes through cycles.

Right now much of the United States is experiencing… Record cold. AccuWeather ran this headline, Historic winter storm batters nation’s mid-section.

How historic?

The most unrelenting winter weather pattern in decades unleashed brutally unseasonable cold and record snowfall deep into Texas, sparked harrowing scenes on roadways across the middle of the country and left millions of customers without power over the weekend.


The cold weather is so historic, the biggest oil refineries in the United States are shutting down. Six people also died in a 130 car pile-up thanks to the cold weather snap.

By the way, why are millions of customers without power in Texas?

Such cold air also triggered “rolling blackouts” which were supposed to temporarily knock out power for many residents for less than an hour. However, the bitter cold has triggered a “statewide power generation shortfall emergency,” according to a statement from CenterPoint Energy.


So let me get this straight, the rolling blackouts are due to the state, not having the power infrastructure to handle people cranking their heaters up.

This thought brought my mind to the whole discussion around electric vehicles. How exactly is our nation supposed to go all electric so rapidly?

I mean there is a major push for electric vehicles in this nation, but where is the infrastructure?

The more electric vehicles that are produced, the more power they will require. Hey, if we have the means, then I think electric vehicles for most people are a good fit, but certainly not everyone.

So before we start hugging all the trees, let’s try and think things through.

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