IMF: “Please Spend. Spend As Much As You Can And Then Spend A Little Bit More”

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva is encouraging countries to spend more money in order to revive the global economy.

Georgieva stated,

“In terms of policies for right now, very unusual for the IMF, starting in March I would go out and I would say: ‘please spend’. Spend as much as you can and then spend a little bit more,” Georgieva said.

“I continue to advocate for monetary policy accommodation and fiscal policies that protect the economy from collapse at a time when we are on purpose restricting both production and consumption,” she said.


Georgieva is not only calling for more inflationary policies, but she admits without them, the global economy will collapse. In fact, we seem to have reached a point of no return. If we continue inflating our economies they will collapse, and unless we continue to inflate them, they will collapse.

You have to remember, that is the goal here. The IMF is a globalist organization, that seeks to radically change our world. In fact, this is the same Kristalina Georgieva who recently said, “We Must Seize This New Bretton Woods Moment”.

That is a call to change the current financial order, just like what happened back in the 1940s. We recently talked about that in our article, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. Give it a read, it will help you understand what we are facing.

We have some more financial headlines to discuss.

Yellen Opens Debate on Giant Spending, Saying the ‘World Has Changed’

Janet Yellen (Obama era), Biden’s selection for Treasury Secretary,

Told the Senate Finance Committee in testimony Tuesday that the slew of spending — from aid to small businesses and the unemployed to funding for state governments — was needed to fight the pandemic, while playing down concerns about the debt it creates.

The world has changed,” Yellen, a former Federal Reserve chair, said with regard to interest rates. “In a very low interest-rate environment like we’re in, what we’re seeing is that even though the amount of debt relative to the economy has gone up, the interest burden hasn’t.”


So Yellen is endorsing the artificial creation of money in order to artificially lift the economy. She is recommending exactly what the IMF said. You see, there is nothing new under the sun. The Trump Administration racked up more debt than any previous President, and my guess, Biden will beat Trump’s debt record.

Arguing that interest rates are low does not justify going into debt. Going into debt is going into debt.

Further, for every dollar they create, it devalues the dollars already in circulation. As in, the dollars in our bank account, this reduces our buying power.

Friends, we are watching the planned destruction of our financial system unfold. Adding more debt will not save us.

Government Artificially Props Up The Housing Market

Following the IMF’s advice, the Federal Government continues to artificially prop up the housing market. Former President Trump continually extended the eviction memorandum and Biden just did the same thing.

President Joe Biden is calling on Congress to allocate another $30 billion in housing aid, and on his first day in office announced an executive order that will extend the national ban on evictions through March.


President Biden is also proposing a $15,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit, this credit could then be used as a down payment. Then we have the FHA who may reduce monthly insurance premiums.

All of this reduces the natural negative pressure on the housing market and instead lifts it. These are socialist policies. I hope Republicans had a problem with them when Trump was in office. This is the same thing, it just continues and escalates to keep the economy from collapsing.

By the way, globally, G-20 nations have deployed $11 trillion to support a post-Covid economic recovery. “Deployed” means created out of thin air. None of these nations suddenly struck it rich, they artificially created this money from nothing.

These policies are not going to benefit you. They will not benefit those who work hard for their money. These are socialist policies that are keeping the global economy from collapsing, for now.

Unfortunately, too many Americans will continue to play politics. The Republicans will now blame the Democrats for the same sort of polices their party has been implementing over the last four years.

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