Israel-Hamas War Is Beginning To Spiral Out Of Control

I think we can all see, the Israel-Hamas war is beginning to spiral out of control.

But here’s the scary part…

It hasn’t really started.

So far, we have 1,400 Israelis dead from the initial Hamas assault.

That was their big hit, and it was horrific.

Israel said, that the initial Hamas attack was conducted by about 1,500 men, all were killed by Israeli forces. As we all know, that didn’t end it, Israel then began to attack Gaza in an effort to destroy Hamas, a goal they have not deviated from.

So, Israel’s response in Gaza has now taken the lives of 7,400 Palestinians. Unfortunately, 66% of those casualties are women and children.

Considering the above statistics, if you’re a big Israel supporter, like the United States happens to be. Then you don’t like that ratio. It doesn’t help your cause.

So, you cast doubt on it.

Biden Says They’re Lying

President Joe Biden just did that the other day saying,

“I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war.”


Hey, anytime a story or fact gets in the way of your agenda, just say the other party is lying.

Then you marginalize the opposition, whether or not it’s true.

The Health Ministry of Gaza was furious at Biden’s statement and issued a 210-page report detailing the names, age, sex, and other identification of the killed individuals.

Sure, the Gaza Health Ministry could be making up the death toll, it’s a possibility.

However, let’s consider what we’ve seen with our own eyes…

Here’s the damage the latest Hamas rocket did to an apartment building in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Honestly, it looks like someone’s kitchen caught on fire.

Nevertheless, here’s what Gaza looks like right now.

Gaza: Before And After

It looks like they’re getting wiped off the map.

By looking at that level of devastation to a city, do you think 7,000 dead is a lie?

Personally, I don’t.

In fact, I imagine there are far more dead already. Many of the people are dead burried under the rubble.

That’s not hard to fathom.

So this is why you have a lot of protests going on around the world in support of the Palestinians. To me, it looks like Israel is trying to exterminate the Palestinians.

What else do you call it?

There are 2.3 million people there who have no access to food and water, minus the mediocre aid that came through last week. People are going to start dying of hunger and disease.

It’s going to be a heightened atrocity.

But now, more fuel is being poured on the flames…

Iran Trained Hamas

The Wall Street Journal just reported, the Hamas fighters that attacked Israel were trained in…

You guessed it, Iran.

So you’re take away, Iran is responsible for the attack on Israel and their response in Gaza. That’s what is being impressed into your mind. Forget what Ron Paul told us many moons ago, that the United States and Israel helped create Hamas to counter Yasser Arafat.

My point, we create our own problems.

Then we later have to fix those problems by creating new problems.

It’s a mess, it really is.

So now, Iran is enemy number one before the entire Western world. The Arabs aren’t buying it, and neither are a lot of other nations. People are beginning to see through the clouds of deceit.

But, doom keeps building…

Terrorists Crossed The Border

Now, the border patrol is saying terrorists have snuck into the United States.


They were invited in!

So once again, more new problems due to us not shutting our borders. My friends, this is a biggie too. I would not be surprised to hear of a terror attack in our nation at some point carried out by Iran.

I mean, that’s the narrative that’s being placed into your mind, real or not.

All right, now let me back up just a bit…

Let’s get back to the part about the Arabs not buying into the Israel-Hamas narrative.

This is important.

Turkey Makes A Bold Statement

Turkey and Israel were all set to normalize relations. They were about to launch business ventures together. Well, not anymore. In fact, Turkey’s President Erdogan is ticked, and he sees things differently than the West.

How different?

Watch this…

So there you have it.

According to Turkey’s President, a NATO member, Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but a liberation group.

Here’s the deal.

How About Some Perspective?

It’s all about perspective.

I’ve been telling you this for years and years now.

Look, everyone thinks they are the good guy.

  • Israel
  • Hamas
  • The United States
  • Iran, and so on.

But, can we all really be the good guy?

Of course not.

Now, there’s no doubt about it, Hamas launched a terror attack on Israel.

That’s what it was right?


So then, let’s backup a bit in time here.

Let’s go back to the early days.

Let’s go back to the early 1900s. You remember what was going on then, right? I explained it the other day, before there was a “Jewish State,” Jews were attacking Arabs (Palestinians) in Palestine.

That’s right, Jews committing acts of terror in order to help establish the Jewish State.

Now, that’s the exact same thing Hamas is doing today.

So isn’t it interesting how things appear all depending on who is telling the story?

Moving on…

U.S. Attacks Iran “Facilities”

The latest and most disturbing development we have today is not more death in Gaza, but the escalating war that may drag us all in.

What am I talking about?

The United States just destroyed “two facilities” in Syria that were really Iran’s. Woke Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, it was retribution for attacks on U.S. military installations in the region. Austin said, the attacks on U.S. bases were carried out by “Iranian proxies. ”

You do see where this is going?

This comes on the heels of more U.S. troop deployments to the Middle East.

Second Israeli Incursion Into Gaza

Meanwhile, Israel just launched a second ground “incursion” into Gaza.

No, this is not the “Israeli invasion.”

That’s still to come.

Even worse, Israel is saying Hamas has setup their main base beneath Gaza’s biggest hospital.

So then, if another hospital blows up, well, I guess Israel had to do it.

Here’s the thing,

  • Why not just flood the tunnels?
  • Why not gas the tunnels?
  • Why not cut off communication services to the tunnels?
  • Why not destroy all tunnel openings?

I mean come on guys, if Israel is wise enough to know that the main Hamas base is located under the hospital, then they should be wise enough to know how to destroy the network of tunnels without all this collateral damage.

Speaking of collateral damage, Israel is about to pass a law so their police officers can kill pesky Israeli protesters who get in their way.



By the way, now that the United States tested its first nuclear doomsday bomb in 30 years, Russia has withdrawn from the nuclear treaty test ban. Even worse, Russia just “rehearsed” a massive retaliatory nuclear strike on their enemy.

So everyone’s flexing their nuclear muscles right now.


To me, it looks like Israel wants to eradicate not just Hamas, but the Palestinians as well. They want to eradicate the Palestinians in Gaza. Therefore, the coming ground offensive is going to escalate this war exponentially.

Unless there’s some ceasefire, but if the ground invasion comes, I see major escalation.

Iran has already promised to get involved if Israel invades Gaza, but Iran has a large and empty mouth as well. Nevertheless, I expect Hezbollah and other factions to join forces against Israel if they invade.

This could spell trouble for Israel, if you recall the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, it ended in a stalemate. Imagine missiles raining down on Israel from the north and rockets from the south.

I could see the United States getting involved to save Israel’s bacon.

We’re bacon savers.

Hey, the more we hear about Palestinians getting killed, the more distress it will cause on the world’s stage. Already numerous world leaders are calling Israel’s actions in Gaza “genocide.”

To close and for the Christian…

Do not get wrapped into picking a side in the conflict.

For three years now, you’ve been taught to pick a side for:

  • BLM
  • Covid
  • Wokism
  • Ukraine
  • and now…
  • Israel

Don’t get sucked into the propaganda.

Just take a step back, pray, and watch it all unfold.

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