Why Is The World Protesting The Jews, But Supporting Palestinians?

Have you noticed that?

If so, have you asked yourself why?

Hey, we all saw what happened on October 7th.

Hamas which operates in Gaza unleashed a savage attack inside Israel. 1,400 Israeli’s were killed, and 5,300 were wounded. We know the rest, from there, Israel launched an air assault, and now a ground invasion in Gaza.

8,000 Palestinians have now been killed, and 20,000 wounded, (Source).

Even before the Palestinian death toll reached such numbers, there had been an outpouring of support for them. There’s also been an outpouring of condemnation of Jews, but why?

Israel was attacked, aren’t the Jews simply defending themselves?

That’s the story, if you tune into Western media.

However, you obtain a much different perspective if you tune into the media from around the world. You see, if you only listen to one side of an argument, it usually sounds pretty good, but you have to be wise enough to let the other guy tell you his story.

Then you can make up your own mind.

The Massacre

Now, if you tune into Western media, you’ll continue to hear about the massacre that took place in Israel. For example, the latest from Fox includes this headline, At the army base where Israel identifies its dead: ‘They went from house to house burning family after family’.

You’re shown these photos…

It’s sad.

It’s horrific even.

By now, we’ve all seen these graphic scenes from Israel hundreds of times.

However, I was never shown any photos of the destruction in Gaza.

Don’t get me wrong, from a distance, I see photos and short video clips of the dust and debris from the Israeli bombs being dropped on Gaza, but that doesn’t really paint the picture of what’s happening as the photos above do.

This Is Gaza

So, let’s take a look at what’s happening in Gaza to be fair to both sides.

This will help us form our own opinions about the war, and try to understand the outrage against Israel.

I ask that you not only watch this short video, but watch all of it.


Now that footage right there, that’s footage you’re not seeing on Fox News, CNN, NBC, and so on. You’re only seeing that if you tune into the Arab networks. You’re only seeing that if you think outside of the box.

So after watching that video and comparing it to the Israeli carnage…

Why do you think the world is protesting the Jews, but supporting Palestinians?

It should be obvious, but there’s more details to discuss.

Yes, the carnage is Israel was horrible, but didn’t Israel get their revenge?

I mean, there’s over 8,000 dead Palestinians right now.

  • What’s the goal of the operation?
  • To exterminate Hamas or the Palestinians?
  • Those people didn’t attack Israel, did they deserve to die?

Now I get it, the West tells us, Hamas is using the people as human shield’s.

However, the West forgot to tell you Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu helped create Hamas, and so did the United States. We talked about that already in the last article or two.

So there’s blame to go around.

There’s something else you should know.

Israel Violates Founding Document

When Israel was founded in 1948, it was founded under United Nations Resolution 181 (1948). This detailed a specific amount of land the Jews and Arabs were supposed to have. Israel later reneged on the deal, and through war, took even more land.

That brings us to United Nations Resolution 242 (1967), which condemned Israel for essentially breaking the U.N. Resolution that founded their nation to begin with.

U.N. Resolution 242 demands in part,

  1. Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict (from 1967);
  2. Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force

Israel never did any of that.

So Israel is in violation of “International Law.”

Violation of the very law that created their state.

That may be news to you, but it’s certainly not news to the people protesting the Jews and supporting the Palestinians. I mean, these people have been living in essentially, an open air prison for nearly 20 years now. Nothing goes in or out of Gaza, unless the Jews bless it.

So there’s a lot of really bad blood here.

Now, I mentioned there’s a lot of protests in support of the Palestinians…

How about we see what they look like.

Worldwide Support For Gaza

All of these photos depict support for the Palestinians.

The last photo is from a rally in Turkey.

We even have video footage…

One more…

Millions of people are supporting the Palestinians, but we see no such support for Israel.

Condemnation For Jews

In fact, news broke yesterday of the exact opposite.

In Russia, citizens stormed an airport, even jumping onto the wings of aircraft looking for Jews.

Ironically enough, Russia blamed this on Ukraine.

We even have reports of Jews being threatened at U.S. colleges.

So we have a conflict in a nation the size of New Jersey, affecting the entire world.

It’s a catastrophe.

This is why you don’t pick sides.

Just take a step back, pray, and watch it all unfold.

Don’t get sucked into the propaganda.


Now, I hope you noticed a very important word and theme in those three headlines I shared.

Jews being persecuted and the word “antisemitic.”

We all know, anyone who dislikes the Jews are considered “antisemitic.”

The word literally means,

Prejudiced or hostile toward Jews.”

Now, let’s break down this word a bit more, what does “semitic” mean?

Someone who belongs to the Semitic peoples. The Semites are supposedly descended from the biblical Shem, the eldest son of Noah.”

So let’s put this together then, shall we?

If someone is “antisemitic,” then it means they’re hostile toward the sons of Shem, Noah’s oldest son.

Now, how on earth could someone be hostile toward Shem, or his sons, whom they never knew? I mean, what did Shem ever do to anyone, and why on earth would people take it out of his descendants?

It should become painfully obvious to you, the term “antisemitic” is merely a word used to deflect and signify importance for a specific people. In this case, Jews who claim to be the descendants of Shem, Noah’s son.

That’s the sole purpose for the word.

The word indicates, they are descendants of Shem and of Biblical importance.

This notion has been used to define “Judeo-Christian values,” but Talmudic Jews have no Christian values. I’ve shared that with you. In fact, their values teach they can lie, steal, kill, and rape non-Jews.

Those statements come right from their holy book called the Talmud.

The above link will detail that for you.

So, could this be a reason why we find so much “antisemitism” in our world?

Could this be the reason why so many people are standing with the people in Gaza, instead of the Israeli’s, who, reneged on the very document that founded their nation?

Could this be a big part of the reason, and if so, why is the media not having these discussions?

I’ll leave that for you to ponder.

While you do that, I want you to think about something else…

Good And Bad Neighbors

It’s a historical fact, the Jews have been cast out of nearly every country they’ve ever entered, throughout history. Worldwide, across all races, and religions, there’s a tremendous hatred for Jews. Even though Jews make up just 0.2% of the global population.

Isn’t that astounding?

Now, you should never hate anyone or wish them harm. Those are just basic Christian principles alright, but the fact remains, a lot of people truly dislike Jews.


Perhaps it’s their culture and religious teachings…

Like the ones I already mentioned.

So, this is what I want you to ponder next.

Sometimes, you move to a new neighborhood only to discover that you have some bad neighbors. It happens. Time passes, and you move to a new neighborhood, only to discover more bad neighbors. In fact, every time you move, you encounter more bad neighbors.

Over and over, no matter where you live, you’re surrounded by bad neighbors.

Is everyone else the problem, or is it you?

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