Leading Cause Of Death In 2020: Abortion

Nope. It wasn’t the COVID. Abortion was the number one cause of death in 2020 with over 42.7 million murdered babies globally. The data is sourced from the World Health Organization.

How ironic that we care so little for the life that cannot even defend itself. For the life that never got to see a single day of sunlight.

However, when it comes to the rest of mankind, suddenly we are concerned and need to wear a “mask” and “social distance”. Friends, that should show you what a con COVID really is.

P.S. For the tree huggers, 1.5 billion masks polluted the oceans in 2020. I thought we cared about the earth? Yet, California had to ban straws. Ahh the irony.

Remember what the book of Jeremiah says,

Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me.

Jeremiah 20:17

God never intended for the womb to be our grave. Yet, 44% of Christians believe the Bible is ‘ambiguous’ on abortion.

You know why?

They have people like this guy teaching them. The pastors of our time have moved so far from the “truth” the people can hardly spell the word. Look, I love pastors who teach the truth, but they are in seriously short supply these days.

No wonder Jesus said,

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

Luke 10:2

Since there are few laborers for Jesus Christ, the evil of the world has taken over. You want to think about that real good. When you turn on the Tube or the screen on your phone and learn something…

Chances are, it’s packed full of lies.

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