Listen To What This Pastor Said At The Opening Of The 117th U.S. Congress

An “ordained minister” provided a prayer to start off the 117th U.S. Congress. Would it be insightful, revelational maybe… How about laughable…

This is how the pastor closed his prayer.

In case you could not hear through his mask.

The pastor said,

We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god and the god known by many names and faiths. Aman and a woman — amen and awoman.

That is the state of Christianity in America.

I jumped over to C-SPAN (prayer time marker: 1:15 – 3:36) and listened to the whole prayer. He mentions God and Lord numerous times, but he never said Jesus Christ. He never clarified which god he was praying too.

That is the mark of someone who is not a Christian.

Then he proved it by asking in,

“The name of the monotheistic god and the god known by many names and faiths.”

This man is a charlatan and a false teacher. You cannot claim to be a Christian and pray to various god’s.

This reminds me of Acts 17:23,

For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

Paul was standing there on Mars Hill and made this observation and today is no different, (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

I am sure you also noticed this pastor closed the prayer saying,

“Amen and A-woman”.

I should not have to tell you “Amen” has nothing to do with a man. It simply means, “so be it”. This pastor was pandering to the LGBT gender-confused agenda.

Remember when Jesus said,

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13

The word “Amen” here is Strong’s word G281 and it means,

Of Hebrew origin [H543]; properly firm, that is, (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially surely (often as interjection so be it): – amen, verily.

There is your proof, and there is your Strong’s Concordance lesson for the day. I mean this is simple basic stuff for a pastor.

This is just another sign that Christianity has been perverted to no end, and this man is respected as he is an “ordained minister” with “credentials”, (Luke 16:15).

Just where did his credentials come from?

Certainly not God.

They came from men, from a fancy building, and a piece of paper.

There is nothing new under the sun people. It has always been this way. It was this way in ancient Israel. God warned us then for the days we now live in. He said, I never sent pastors like this. They are not my pastors, (Ezekiel 13:2-6).

Can you see that, or are you blinded by their “credentials”?

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