Coca-Cola Trains Employees: “Try To Be Less White”

A Coca-Cola employee blew the whistle on the company leaking screenshots of diversity training materials that encourages staff, “try to be less white.” Coca-Cola has confirmed this report.

Now how diverse is it to trash one race of people?

Apparently, Coca-Cola does not care. They are driving an agenda, so let’s read some of the trash from this soda pop company.

The training material explains,

Employees should be “less white” which means,

be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, listen, believe, break with apathy, break with white solidarity.

Here are the screenshots so you can see for yourself.

This is absolutely disgusting.

This is not “diversity”, this is hatred and a perfect example of everything wrong with our world. They tell us to be “diverse and inclusive” while telling you white is bad. Absolute bull.

Since Coca-Cola has been called out for their disgusting training course, they are trying to explain it away.

Let’s see what they had to say.

A Coca-Cola spokesperson confirmed that the course is “part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace,” but also noted that “the video circulating on social media is from a publicly available LinkedIn Learning series and is not a focus of our company’s curriculum.”


Look at Coca-Cola try to distance itself, while yet admitting it is their own “learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace”.

How exactly is that building an “inclusive workplace”?

It’s building a workplace of division. One where the white man will feel ashamed and left out with this companies policies.

The Coca-Cola “spokesperson” has more to say (notice how we say spokesperson today and not “spokesman” or “spokeswoman” how we have been conditioned),

Coca-Cola’s “learning plan”…

Our Better Together global learning curriculum is part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace… the training includes… a variety of topics, including on diversity, equity and inclusion.”

Let’s break this down.

“Better together”

How can we be better and together if you are saying, “white” = bad?

“Global learning”.

Code for globalization and teaching their employees the modern version of morality.

“Diversity, equity and inclusion.”

How can this training (brainwashing) be “diverse” which means different and bring “inclusion” which means togetherness?

These are globalist terms meant to exclude whites from society.

Now, if you are any race aside from white like myself, you are not immune here. No sir-eeee.

If you are a black, brown, pink, or purple Christian, then you sir or madam are the enemies as well. Just like my white-skinned self.

All these agendas do is drive division which they mask as being “diverse, equal and inclusive.” This is not about bringing people together, this is about separating people from one another.

Just like the COVID-19 pandemic. We now look at each other like we are a germ instead of our fellow man. This is all intended to break our humanity. This is to mold us into the new world order they are trying to form.

Now you can keep going right along with it by tuning into the mainstream media, social media, and purchasing the products of companies like Coca-Cola…

Or, you can grow a backbone and stand against it, but I will tell you one thing. Don’t you dare keep partaking in these systems and then cry about being banned, blacklisted or hated on.

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