Life Won’t Go Back To Normal Until Fall 2021, Despite Vaccines: Fauci

That’s right folks, this is what the con men are now telling us. The story changes as we get further down the timeline. Remember, Fauci is still a “Top White House coronavirus adviser”.

Why has he not been canned?

We know why.

Fauci is fantastic at spreading fear and paranoia. If your President was not on board with that, then Fauci would not be a “Top White House coronavirus adviser”.

Get it?

Here is what Fauci had to say,

“We can do both, we can keep the country open and we can abide by the public health measures. That together with a vaccine, I believe in 2021 we will see this behind us. … It’s not going to happen in the first few months. If we do it correctly, hopefully, as we get into the end of the summer, the beginning of the fall of 2021, we can start to approach some degree of normality.”

Dr. Fauci via Fox News

By the way, should Biden become the next President, Fauci is scheduled to be on his ship as well. Republican or Democrat, it does not matter.

Back To Normal?

In case you forgot, it was this same Fauci who said we cannot go back to normal until we have a vaccine. Well, we have a vaccine now.

Yet, they have changed the tune. Instead of going back to normal in early 2021, we cannot go back to normal until Fall of 2021.


You see how they keep pushing the goal posts further and further out?

The next shoe to drop will be requirements for people to get the vaccine or they will be restricted from doing certain things. Fauci has already talked about this.

Then former CDC Director, Dr. Thomas Frieden said,

“Done right, immunity passports could be one of a series of things that could help us get to a new normal as soon as possible.”

Now before, all we needed to have was a vaccine. Now we need a vaccine and “immunity passports” in order to get back to normal. If this happens, this will cause a “separation” of the people. Those who bend to the illegal laws of government, and those who do not, (see: Mark Of The Beast and “separation”).

I hope you see that is the true agenda here.

Control through division.

Not a stupid vaccine, and anyone in this audience who is buying into this trash that the vaccine will kill millions of people needs to pull their head out of… the sand. Now is not the time to go get yourself sidetracked with foolish things. You stay focused on what is real, right, and true.

Stay focused on God and what His Word said.

That was not a digression, it needed to be said.

Fall 2021?

Now before we all move on to the next article, and the rest of our day. I want you to think about what this back to normal by Fall of 2021 really means…

Personally, you already know. I do not think we are going back to normal. We have shifted too far in the wrong direction, as the days pass, this all seems more and more a part of God’s Plan.

It means that in the meantime, nothing is going to change. No matter who the President is. Lockdowns will still be in place in some states and cities. This mask culture will still exist, unless you start refusing to wear one…

So what does that mean then…

  • What does it mean for the 19.5 million Americans who are already unemployed?
  • What does it mean for the millions who are at risk of being kicked out of their home?
  • Will the government keep bailing them out through the Fall of 2021?

It would seem they have to at this point, unless…

They are ready to bring down the system.

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