Little Green Men Are Among Us

Just days ago, our prestigious Federal Government led by the ever-wise Joe Biden set out to do something that has not been done since the 1960s.

Investigate aliens.

No, not illegal aliens, they just let them into our country.

We are talking about, space aliens, specifically “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)”. That would concern all those ultra grainy videos of objects in the sky. This is such a serious subject, Democrat Congressmen Andre Carson said,

“Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are a potential national security threat. And they need to be treated that way.”

That’s right.

Our space friends who traveled from another galaxy are a “national security threat”. Obviously, their technology is far superior to ours due to them traveling such lengths. They must be able to bend space time itself.

But hey, if a hot war pops off, we can just wipe them out with a nuke eh?

Call me a nutter, but it would seem if our space invader friends wanted to do us harm, they would have done so long ago.

Now I know what some of you are thinking, “show me the evidence!”


Hold tight, you’re not going to believe this.

I promise you, this is not a screenshot from a 1980s Atari game.

Fox News


Isn’t that something?

Wait, wait.

As it turns out, that was an unsolved mystery, but our bright Federal government finally figured out, it was just an “unmanned aerial vehicle”. Also known as, a drone. The object is green since the photo was taken through night vision.


Oh, but we have more details.

NASA just released a photo of a doorway to an alien Martian base where these invaders come from.


Now NASA is already saying, it’s not really a doorway. It’s a natural rock formation, but come on, they’re clearly trying to cover it up.

Now, as for these UFO sightings, last year we covered this topic in our article titled, What Are The UFO Reports All About? At that time, the US intelligence community released a lot of data on this subject. Data which indicated,

“Mysterious flying objects that have been seen moving through restricted military airspace over the last several decades.”


If you thought the racists in our country were bad, these aliens are American Nationalists and love the military. How dare they! The libs are really going to be ticked off when they figure this out.


Since these sightings have been around military bases, could it be that these flying objects are actually our own secret aircraft?

Nahh, couldn’t be!

Besides, I’ve seen an alien firsthand. Being the fearless leader of World Events and the Bible, I didn’t miss the opportunity to snap a photo either. Now, don’t go sharing this photo, it’s mine and I have the copyright.

Twilight Zone

I was in a cafe one night getting a hot cup of joe. Speaking of joe, I’m still a bit miffed Biden and his buddies didn’t look at this evidence, ahh well.

Besides, there have been 400 sightings witnessed by service members. Of course, it includes grainy video or no video at all. Now I have to tell you, if I didn’t have my own photo of this alien, I would doubt these boys myself.

I mean, it was just last year when millions of Americans knew someone put those blasted nano-bots in the vaccines! So you’ll have to forgive me for not believing these reports without some good evidence.

Aliens Created Us

Now there are some folks out there who are super certain aliens exist. Perhaps my photo convinced them. Nevertheless, they go off in another direction by saying aliens created us long ago. So our alien friends are just checking in on us from time to time to see how we’re making out.

You can think of aliens are our intergalactic parents they say. Of course, only the anti-God folks believe this.

Well, I have news for them, if aliens created us, then what created the aliens…


Answer that one my atheist friends.

Thump, Thump

Now, I imagine right about now there is some Bible thumper waiting to put a wallopin’ on me.

“Thems aliens aren’t aliens at all,” they will say, “They’re fallen angels”.

There’s just one problem with that, Scripture.

Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

We all remember the fallen angels from the days of Noah.

Eventually, they were placed in chains, locked away in prison awaiting Judgement Day. They have no get out of jail free card, so they’re stuck. The only other evil angels that come to earth are those from Revelation 12:7-9, but those dirty devils don’t appear until Satan does.

The video footage of these clearly alien crafts could not be good Angels either. It simply would not benefit God’s Kingdom to have vague and grainy videos of His aircraft floating around out there. It would serve no purpose, only causing the confusion we see today.

That’s just not God’s MO.

Instead, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

There you have it.

So we can firmly conclude then, that little green men walk among us, but as you can see from my firsthand photo, they are not always green.


Clearly, this is the perfect time for our Federal Government to address our alien friends.

I mean, inflation is raging, our government is funding a new war, illegal immigration is out of control, we face economic collapse (again), and we have a new disinformation board constructed by the Biden administration.

What a perfect and important discussion to be having at this time.

Bravo to our brilliant Federal Government! 👽🛸

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