Gen Zs Failures Are Tied To The Biblical Past

Generation Z is a complete and utter disaster!

I’m not even talking about the morality of this young generation. You know, the group of folks that are 18-24 years old, (born: ~1998-2004). I’m talking about their mental state. In fact, I found a healthcare survey that asked Gen Z key questions about their frame of mind.

I found the results quite shocking. Let me share them with you.

The Mental State Of Gen Z

According to the Gen Z healthcare survey,

  • 78% are battling depression
  • 57% take regular medication
  • 42% have a diagnosed mental health condition
  • 39% see a therapist once a week or more
  • 31% rate their mental health as bad

These are absolutely alarming numbers!

Depression is no joke, I have seen it set in and destroy people’s lives. If left untreated, people will even take their own lives to end the misery. If you know someone facing depression, make sure to reach out to them often and ensure they get help.

For Gen Z, those therapy sessions and medications don’t come cheap.

On average, Gen Z pays,

  • $149 for therapy every month
  • $44 for medication every month

It is absolutely astounding to learn how much time and money people are paying for therapy sessions, and even medication. In my mind, young people should not be on medication, but in those rare cases. As you are learning, these are not rare cases, but common cases.

According to WebMD,

The number of prescriptions filled for American adults and children rose 85 percent between 1997 and 2016, from 2.4 billion to 4.5 billion a year, according to the health research firm Quintile IMS. During that time, the U.S. population rose 21 percent.

We pointed this out in, “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”

As a whole, our society continues to take more and more medications in an attempt to solve our problems. That only glazes over the underlying issues. As a society, generation after generation, our frame of mind slips a bit more.

Why is that?

I think it’s very possible, the modern world has caused many of our problems. The study notes, Gen Z spends 4 hours a day on social media and they started using it 12 years ago. It’s all they have ever known. Don’t even get me started on the latest platform, TikTok.

Look at these next tidbits for Gen Z.

  • 85% do not feel set up for success
  • 75% feel they are disadvantaged compared to previous generations
  • 50% do not feel ready for the workforce

Since when is anyone setup for success?

You set yourself up for sucess!

Instead, we have an entire generation that believes everything should be handed to them on a golden platter. I’m reminded of the Millennial generation, the generation that received “participation trophies.” I knew that would lead to a mental health crisis later on in life.

This crisis is now affecting the children of Millennials, being Gen Z.

I was also amazed that 75% feel they have a disadvantage compared to prior generations.

How is that possible?

Gen Z has all the tech anyone could ever want in the palm of their hands. Modern society caters to minorities, and the qualifications for everything are lower today. The reality here is, Gen Z has the biggest advantage over any previous generation.

A Prime Example

In the days after I found this study, I came across this Tweet concerning the election results.

  • “thanks to Gen Z”
  • “When boomers are gone”
  • “Your ideals, your values. Are not welcome.”


This individual’s words are like ice.

It’s almost like they were licking their chops to the day, when the older generation expires. Yet, it’s the preservation of the ideals and values of the older generation that made America a great nation. No other nation has been blessed, like this one.

For no other nation do people die trying to come here, and take part in it.

Is that due to Gen Z?

Of course not.

Yet, Gen Z seeks to replace our core values, with some new corrupt values.

It’s disturbing to think about the future.

A Reminder From The Past

As I thought about these things, I was reminded of Judges 2.

There, God’s Angel appeared before the ancient Israelites. He reminded the Israelites about His promises to be with them, if they adhered to His commandments. God told them, do not make peace with the people of the land or they will corrupt you.

The Israelites didn’t listen, and the people of the land corrupted the Israelites.

God then asks,

“Ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?

A truly somber moment.

God then said,

“Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.”

And so it was.

The Israelites only response…

“The people lifted up their voice, and wept.”

It reminds me of ourselves. We can know and understand God’s rules, but then we forget about them, or we just get a little lax. Then later, we have to pay the price for disobedience.

The older generations of today represent these Israelites who themselves failed God. Ultimately, their failure meant, the next generation would fail God that much more.

Look what we find a few verses down…

Judges 2:10
And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.

The generation that wept in front of God for their failures, passed on. Just as the Baby Boomers of today will one day pass on.

Unfortuantely, the children of the Israelites, the next generation of people that replaced them, didn’t know Jehovah.

Judges 2:11
And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim:

This was the new generation.

Today, we can think of this as Generation Z. The generation of people who predominantly despise the “ideals and values” of the previous generation. Values that are predominantly focused on God and His ways.

Judges 2:12
And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

There we have it.

Today, we have a new generation that seeks after everything but God and righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:1-5). We have a new generation that embraces perversion, and calls it “a right.” We have this new generation before us, a product of former genertaions that failed long before.

History repeats itself, and we are living through it once again.

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