And Then There Was Monkeypox

Just when you thought the pandemic was over, here comes a new one…


News continues to break across the world over this latest crisis, and the cases continue to climb. The doctors are baffled, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is stumbling to be authoritative. While these guys sputter, I don’t mind telling you, I have this one all figured out.

Now you have never heard me say that before, so you know I’m serious.

But first, let’s see what the good docs of the world are saying.

African Scientists Baffled By Monkeypox Cases In Europe, US

According to the AP, most cases involve young men who have not traveled to Africa.

Why is that important?

Long ago, monkeypox set up residence in Africa. It pretty much stays confined there. Now there have been some outbreaks in the past. Back in the 1970s, monkeypox managed to escape to the United States for a short stint.

Look what else the AP said,

British health officials are exploring whether the disease is being sexually transmitted.


According to the WHO, “Nigeria reports about 3,000 monkeypox cases a year”. They add,

Outbreaks are usually in rural areas, when people have close contact with infected rats and squirrels.

Wait a second here…

I might have been born at night, but not last night.

Why is Britain investigating if monkeypox is being transmitted sexually when people typically get monkeypox by playing around with rats and squirrels?

I hope you have your super sleuth hat on like I do!

WHO’s Europe director, Dr. Hans Kluge, described the outbreak as “atypical,” saying the disease’s appearance in so many countries across the continent suggested that “transmission has been ongoing for some time.” He said most of the European cases are mild.

So, the mainstream media is only alerting us to this now.

Thanks guys!

Now look at this bit…

The infections in the U.K. and Europe have been in young men with no history of travel to Africa and who were gay, bisexual or had sex with men.

Authorities in Spain and Portugal also said their cases were in young men who mostly had sex with other men and said those cases were picked up when the men turned up with lesions at sexual health clinics.


We’ve never seen anything like what’s happening in Europe,”said Christian Happi, director of the African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases. “We haven’t seen anything to say that the transmission patterns of monkeypox have been changing in Africa. So if something different is happening in Europe, then Europe needs to investigate that.”

I told you the doctors are baffled.

So in Africa, people get monkeypox by playing with squirrels.

In Europe, young men get monkeypox… Through sex?

Hmm, what else could be going on here?

We’ll get there in a moment, but first, this is where I need to scare the wits out of you!

Biden Monkeypox Outbreak Should Concern ‘Everybody’

Speaking about monkeypox, President Joe Biden said,

Everybody should be concerned about it”.

Ohh, but it gets worse…

Emergency WHO Meeting Over Monkeypox Spread: ‘We Should Take It Seriously’

The World Health Organization says, ‘be afraid, be very afraid’.

“The WHO will also be examining why clusters include gay and bisexual men.”

Clusters of infected people that is. So we have yet another clue.

I hope you are taking notes.

Lest your blood pressure rise too rapidly from the fear and terror presented…

“Most people recover within several weeks and monkeypox has only been fatal in rare cases.”

One more bit from the WHO.

“The WHO has said it was looking closely at the issue and in particular that some of the cases in the UK appeared to have been transmitted within the gay community.”

Me thinks we’re getting closer to figuring this one out.

But first, more doom!

Belgium Becomes First Country To Introduce Compulsory Monkeypox Quarantine

Belgium has become the first country to introduce a compulsory 21-day monkeypox quarantine – as 14 countries now confirm outbreaks of the viral disease and doctors warn of a ‘significant rise’ in UK cases.


That’s right, nations are now eager and ready to remove your rights all in the name of the public good. Sure it’s a communist approach, but apparently that’s a-okay in the year 2022.

All right, so we have some clues, we have some fear and doom. Now we need to add a splash of conspiracy to kick-er into high gear.

‘US Let Monkeypox Loose’ Conspiracy Theories Swirl On China’s Weibo Platform

Look what the Chinese media is reporting.

Nationalist influencer Shu Chang, who has 6.41 million Weibo followers, deliberately misconstrued the report and posted that it showed “a plan by the US to leak bioengineered monkeypox virus”.

Personally, I think it’s a secret plan hatched by Biden and Harris to halt the elections this fall! 😳

Moreover, this was all planned long ago.

Okay, we have it all now, we have fear, doom, death and conspiracy.

So let’s get serious (seriously) for a minute and put this one together.

A Massive Party In Gran Canaria, The Second Major Focus Of The Monkeypox Outbreak In Spain

This isn’t a joke.

I found this article from El Pais and translated it into English.

A massive party in the town of Maspalomas, on the island of Gran Canaria, held between May 5 and 15 and attended by about 80,000 people, has become the second focus of the outbreak of monkeypox in Spain, health sources have confirmed.

What kind of party?

The Gay Pride of Maspalomas is one of the highlights in the calendar of the gay community.

So 80,000 homosexuals congregated together and did what homosexuals do. We also know from several media sources now, that the outbreaks have occurred in young homosexual men.

So what does that tells us?

It wasn’t “a plan by the US to leak bioengineered monkeypox virus”. Nor was it a plan to halt the elections, or a “plan” whatsoever. So one of these promiscuous gay men did travel to Africa, contract the virus, and brought it to a love fest of 80,000 to share with the world.


Let Me Level With You

Hopefully, most of you are chuckling a little right now and shaking your head at the true root cause here. A few of you might be wondering why I am poking fun, so let me explain.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had about all the doom I can handle these days. It’s becoming quite exhausting, isn’t it?

I mean we have

  • War
  • Inflation
  • Supply chain issues
  • Future food shortages
  • Moral depravity
  • and Biden as President

Everyone is fighting with everyone about everything and almost everything is a lie. Fear and hype reign the day to keep people in compliance and inline it would seem.

I continually see non issues hyped by the media and within the alternative community. It’s all just become old to me to be quite honest. I’m not going to be fearful about every little thing that pops up. I’m not going to flip out and alert my audience to the world’s latest attempt to scare us.

Not happening.

Also, it was comments like this that drove me to this point.

I never even got an appology.

Most people don’t even want to know the truth. They just want to know something no one else does, even if it’s a lie. Then, they move on and swallow the next lie they think is the truth, quickly forgetting, the last hook they sank their lips into.

I mean, what’s the point of it all?

If we believe something, something that evil people are doing, and we are not working to stop it…

What’s the point in knowing at all?

Right now, we are going through one of the worst times in world history. Think about the last two years. Now we are facing economic collapse. Will it be like 2008, rinse and repeat, or are we really going to have a new economic order?

I think the latter is truly possible, but we don’t know for certain.

I just think more people need to pull their heads out of the doom and conspiracy factory. It’s not healthy, it’s not benefitting you, and you are wasting your years.

Tell you what, just last week I was going through old articles on this site as I moved some things around. I came across this article, “The Swine Flu Scare Continues…” I wrote it back in 2009, it was one of my very first articles.

In fact, the more I look back over the archive and writings of the past. It’s always the same ol song. I’m quite serious. The same problems, just another day. Our world becomes more Godless, but the world keeps marching on.

We have these little scares that many people think mean this or that, but they never meant anything at all.

Now this is what will happen.

The world will continue to become more Godless, but it’s going to happen on God’s time. Not yours and not mine.

Yesterday, I took the kids out to the National Forest. I love going to places like that. You rarely run into people, and there are no reminders of the world. We blazed some trails, found some great huckleberry and blueberry patches that I’m not telling you about, and ran into some critters.

My friends, there was no doom to be had yesterday.

Only memories, lots of good memories.

Today, go make some of your own.

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