Look How Effective COVID Propaganda Has Become

We keep saying turn off the TV, but America keeps turning it on and tuning into more propaganda. In the last month or so, there has been a huge effort by the mainstream media and government to spread fears over the Delta variant.

This article from yesterday scares us over the Delta and Lambda variant, and future variants we do not yet know about.

Well folks, apparently, the real scare here is death.

So let me give you a dose of reality.

You’re going to die one day, *great Friday message Brandon*.

Seriously, you’re going to croak, and believe it or not. People that lived before us, they croaked too. In fact, my kids were just talking about life in this sense last night. They even brought it up, they weren’t terrified, they just know, we are born, and then we croak one day.

So why live each day in fear that you might die, when one day, you’re going to die!

Each day you play hideaway Joe, is one day of your life you lose.

You are never going to get back that day, it’s gone, lost forever.

So there you have it, some encouragement for the day.

Now, go tell this breaking news to your family, friends, and coworkers.

All that, was actually an added bonus,

Now this is what I really wanted to share with you today.

Americans’ Optimism About COVID-19 Dashed as Cases Surge

That heading comes from Gallup.

This is what their latest poll indicates.

In a dramatic shift from last month, more Americans now say the coronavirus situation in the U.S. is getting worse (45%) rather than better (40%). In June, a record 89% said the situation was getting better, while only 3% said it was getting worse.

In June, 89% of Americans seemed to feel that COVID was going away.

In July, that sentiment shifted, now only 40% feel that way.

What made Americans change their point of view?

Never ending news coverage.

More coverage about the Delta variant.

More scare from the White House.

More scare from the CDC.

Controlled Paranoia

Folks, that is paranoia.

Mainstream media and government paranoia then get pushed upon the people. When that occurs, more people begin to feel COVID is a problem. Once that happens, the easier it becomes to control them. The easier it becomes to push more mandates.

Let me tell you something.

We have spent some time here in Tennessee. Look up the town of Gatlinburg. It’s a tourist hot spot, not my kinda thing, not what I am here for, but we drove through anyway. It’s loaded with people shoulder to shoulder.

Everything is open, everything has been open!

No masks, just smiles.

Now why aren’t all these people dead as a door nail?

They’re not masked.

You know why, COVID is like the flu and everything else is propaganda.

On with the story…

Now we took a big drive the other day. We went over to North Carolina and decided to get a bite to eat.

We couldn’t.

You know why?

Apparently North Carolina or the county we were in still has lockdown mandates in effect. When the gal said the inside isn’t open, I almost asked why.

I wanted to tell her about Tennessee, but I chose not to be that guy.

So in one town, paranoia is fed to the people by their government and local media. In another town, less than 100 miles away, there is peace, calm, and normal life due to the actions of their government and local media.

Now you tell me that is not control over the people, and I will show you a purple elephant.

Grown up adults, need to start acting like grown up adults, and say enough is enough.

More Control

Let’s talk about more control.

Our Federal Government continues to push COVID paranoia and force illegal mandates against Americans. We are now even hearing about a potential interstate lockdown, unless you are vaccinated that is.

More Foolishness

Speaking of vaccines, the CDC now says, those “rule followers”, those who ensured they got the vaccine right when it came out…

Well, I hate to tell ya, but you are now at risk for SEVERE COVID as they say.

Another scare tactic.

Speaking of vaccines, 30% of all cases in Los Angeles are vaccinated patients.

Oh, and let’s talk about “social distancing”…

You know those plexiglass barriers they have, to, “stop the spread”?

As it turns out, they just might have made COVID worse.

So let me think about this for a minute.

We have been listening to health officials since the beginning tell us what we need to do in order to be safe.

As it turns out, they have been wrong about everything.

Masks don’t work (don’t forget the pantyhose), barriers don’t work, social distancing doesn’t work (6ft-60ft no difference), and now the vaccines don’t work like they thought they would…


COVID spawns into new variants which renders vaccines nearly useless.

Which Means…

You need a booster shot.

Which Means…

You will always need a booster shot.

Which means…

The vaccine companies will continue to make billions and billions in profit.

So there you have it.


Nearly everyone knows about everything I just said, but they probably forgot.

Yet, we keep listening to the same people who have been wrong time and time again.

Does that make any sense to you?

It doesn’t make sense to me.

So how about we listen to somebody else for a change?

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