Hospital Perfusionist Provides Heartfelt Speech Against Vaccine Mandates

This guy is such a great example for every one of us, (video below).

Joshua is just a regular ol’ Joe. In addition to his statement before the county board of supervisors, he adds, he does not like, or want to be a leader here. He rather just support someone else. Yet, he encourages all Americans to stand up and be a voice.

Joshua said, be the voice that you do not think you are, we all can be a voice.

How can you not love this guy?


“If I don’t show up for my job, as I just explained to you, people die. On Saturday night at 10 p.m. I got a page. I did not want to go to work, somebody was having a very critical problem, they were dying. I worked until 6 a.m. the next day. If I had not of showed up, there would have been nobody to do my job. These guys can’t show up to their job, and I’m sorry, your jobs are not as important as mine.”

Joshua Watkins, Perfusionist (Shasta County, CA)

It would appear this was for Shasta County in California from other bits of information I have found. Here is the Board of Supervisors for that area.

Concerned Readers

I continue to receive emails from readers in fear of losing their jobs if they do not get the vaccine. This is a trying time for everyone. In fact, Oregon and Washington will now require the vaccine for all state educators. In Washington, that covers 155,000 people alone.

It’s important to remember, there are religious exemptions in most states. Your reason for exemption should remain solely for religious reasons, not philosophical or you may compromise your exemption.

We have talked about some of these things in the following articles:

Conversation With A Liberal

As a side note, I spoke with a liberal yesterday.

Really nice person, really good conversation. Even this person is seriously concerned with all the vaccine mandates. Their liberal friends are convinced the vaccine is needed, but they are not so convinced.

This person brought up many of the things we have covered on this site.

They felt, the censorship by social and mainstream media was a huge tip-off that something is wrong. Even though they did not care for President Trump, they agreed with me, when Trump was banned from social media, that was a major shifting point.

I actually learned a lot by having this conversation. When other points of view came up, it was obvious, they were extremely liberal. However, we found common ground here on the world’s most pressing matter. I felt a little encouraged by that, and hope you are too.

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