Massive Global Food Crisis Coming To A Store Near You!

Ahh, yes!

Doom with a capital D!

I tell you what, in the last few days, I must have read ten articles about “massive” food shortages. None of the headlines read the way mine does. They all talk about “food security,” “food shortages,” “hunger” and so on.

However, when we read those headlines, our mind automatically inserts “coming to my store”.

Without understanding the full scope of the problem, we freak out and then flip out. Then we go to our beacons of truth, aka doomers, who play into our fears, and bingo, a new world crisis for you to worry about!

A new world crisis that only we, the chosen few, are wise enough to know about.

The reality is far different.

So yes, I tailored today’s headline to draw on this thought.

Now this is not to say a crisis is not around the corner, we are going to talk about that. However, we need perspective. We need to remember something called, “Scripture” which told us, “there is no new thing under the sun,” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Past Food Shortages

So as I finished up reading about “food shortages”, I plugged that phrase into the World Events and the Bible search engine, and look what popped up!


Those are all from 2020.

Those articles told us, crops were being plowed under in America, 31 million acres of agricultural land sustained damage, and meat processing plants were closed.

Let’s not forget, the entire world locked down at that time. Not just China, everyone. Everything stopped, and no one starved to death in the first world. The worst thing that happened is you didn’t get the blueberry bagels you wanted or your organic tofu.

Let’s face it, the rear ends of Americans are as big as ever.

So, can we all just stop with this fear and doom about food shortages at your store now?

Experts: Food Crisis For Poor Nations

Nevertheless, the experts are once again telling us, a food crisis comes this way.

Uh, just don’t confuse that with your store. In the first world, the food is going to be there. It’s just going to keep costing more as inflation continues to climb.

The world’s top economic policy makers are sounding the alarm. The dominant themes at the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington this week are a slowing global economy and the rising risks — seen and unseen — facing developing nations.

Bloomberg Quint

Facing who?

The developing world, the poor nations who are always hungry and on the verge of starvation. It’s a horrible thing, please pray for the people who live there. Then wring your politician’s neck for going along with sending billions to Ukraine which will end up, killing more people.

So how’s this food crisis going to go down?

“We can see this train wreck coming towards us,” said John Lipsky, who spent half a decade as No. 2 at the IMF. The combination of real-economy shocks and financial-market tightening, he said, is “going to push a large number of low-income countries into the need for debt restructuring.”

“Debt restructuring”, ahh yes.

You mean to tell me obtaining massive debt was not the answer?

Ahh, let’s not side track the conversation.

So why is debt restructuring needed for these poor nations?

Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah called for debt relief and emergency aid to poorer nations to avert a “massive, immediate food crisis” emerging in poorer nations following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Shah also called for debt relief for struggling nations so they can purchase fertilizer and food for their people with “money that would otherwise go to creditors in the rich world, including the World Bank.”


According to Shah, debt restructuring is needed in order to provide food for the people. BY the way, these countries are “expected to face food shortages in the next six months”.

Tackling Food Insecurity: The Challenge and Call to Action

Even U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is talking about it. Days ago, this is what she said to other world leaders.

But the reality is that we are facing rising global food insecurity. This threat touches the most vulnerable people the hardest – families that are already spending disproportionate amounts of their income on food. Moreover, the interconnectedness of the global food system means that people on every continent are impacted.

Even before the war, over 800 million people were suffering from chronic food insecurity. That’s 10 percent of global population, and more than the populations of our panelists’ five home countries combined. Poor nutrition and food insecurity have serious implications for economic well-being, and social and political stability.

Unfortunately, someone in the world is always starving.

Long ago Jesus told us, “For ye have the poor with you always,” (Mark 14:7). So remember that, and if you are blessed to live in a first-world nation, don’t take for granted the abundance of food you have. When you are able, help someone else.

Now I kept reading Yellen’s statement and she, like everyone else, is blaming food shortages on Russia. Never mind the fact that Europe and the United States are sending billions worth of arms to Ukraine to fight Russia. As Ma always said, “It takes two to tango”.

This war is destroying Ukraine and killing people by the thousands. No one seems to care about that.

Do you know why?

It’s a battle for the new world order.

Russia, Ukraine, And Belarus

Now here’s some fun facts from 2020.

  • Russia was the world’s largest wheat exporter. Ukraine was the fifth largest.
  • Belarus and Russia are the world’s second and third largest exporters, respectively, of potash, or potassium chloride.
  • Russia is the world’s fourth largest producer of phosphate.

So these counties are pretty critical to the global food supply. Notice how it’s “global food supply”. Back in the day, America and every other nation took care of itself. There were no complicated “global supply chains” to worry about back then.

Anywho… Less fertilizer means reduced crop yields. To put this into perspective,

The war has put at risk exports of wheat, corn, sunflower oil and other foods from Russia and Ukraine that account for more than 10% of all calories traded globally, driving up food prices in low-income countries that are already reeling from pandemic damage to their economies.


10% of production is a fair number.

With this all expected to hit within six months, it will be interesting to see what happens around the world.

IMF Predicts Doom

The IMFs Chief Economist, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas said,

“The economic effects of the war are spreading far and wide – like seismic waves that emanate from the epicentre of an earthquake.

In the matter of a few weeks, the world has yet again experienced a major, transformative shock. Just as a durable recovery from the pandemic-induced global economic collapse appeared in sight, the war has created the very real prospect that a large part of the recent gains will be erased.

The long list of challenges calls for commensurate and concerted policy actions at the national and multilateral levels to prevent even worse outcomes and improve economic prospects for all.”

Sky News

So here’s the deal.

Since 2020, the stock market has shot through the roof thanks to money printed out of thin air. Just as this caused inflation to sky rocket, it’s going to get sucked out of the system in the same fashion. All indicators are, a major global market correction is underway.

This is not a shock.

You cannot create wealth through the printing press. All it does is artificially benefit the few at the expense of the many. Just yesterday we showed you whose wealth increased and it wasn’t yours, (see: Economy Flashes Warning, World On Verge Of Correction).

Sinking Economies And Toppled Governments

This will lead to…

A barrage of shocks is building that’s unlike anything emerging markets have had to confront since the 1990s, when a series of rolling crises sank economies and toppled governments.

Bloomberg Quint

Considering Agenda 2030, all of this fits quite nicely. Everything in disorder, and from chaos comes order. It’s always been that way. Look at the end of World War I, we had the League of Nations. At the end of World War II, we had the United Nations.

Since 2020, the world has been in a constant state of decline and catastrophe. In reality, this all could be much worse than some food shortages in poor nations.


So the reality is that food shortages are only one problem we are facing. Today, there is a raging war in Ukraine, a soft World War III of sorts. Not many seem too concerned about that. Even though Western governments continue to send billions to shed more blood.

In fact, look what IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said, “It is truly pressing to get it to move so we avoid people dying unnecessarily” from food shortages.

That’s right, you only concern yourself with the crisis they want you to be concerned with. People might die of a lack of food, and that’s more important than people dying from bullet wounds.

So yes, let’s continue to hype a food crisis, and pretend as if overgrown Americans are going to starve to death. I tell you what, if you still want to be overly concerned. Then never fear, scientists say in 27 years we are going to run out of food anyway.

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