WWIII: Russia Warns Risk Of Nuclear War

It’s hard to believe, but the war in Ukraine has been raging for two months now.

The most shocking element for me, is the amount of arms the West has funneled into Ukraine. If it were not for these arm shipments, Ukraine would have fallen long ago. I have also been surprised by how relaxed Russia’s speech has been on this issue.

Don’t get me wrong, Putin has spoken out about it in the past.

However, the time has now arrived for Russia to escalate its rhetoric over these Western arm shipments.

“The Danger Is Serious, Real”

Just days ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked about avoiding World War Three, and if the current situation is comparable to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Lavrov said,

The risks now are considerable. I would not want to elevate those risks artificially. Many would like that. The danger is serious, real. And we must not underestimate it.”

The Straits Times

Of course the danger is real.

The most powerful nation on earth, the United States is funneling billions of dollars worth of arms into Ukraine. This is preventing Russian victory. This is a proxy war with Russia by the entire West.

In fact, this war kicked off long before Russia entered Ukraine. For more on that, read these.

So what’s the United States have to say about the war in Ukraine?

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, the guy who botched the Afghanistan withdrawal said,

“The first step in winning is believing that you can win. They believe that we can win, we believe that they can win. If they have the right equipment, the right support.”

CNS News

“They believe that we can win.”

Say what?

The Pentagon chief is referring to the war in Ukraine and saying, “we can win”. That right there tells you, even the United States sees our nation fully involved in the conflict. It’s not a secret, and no one is trying to make it be one.

This is why diplomacy is failing.

This is another reason why Russia just cut off gas shipments for two European nations. That’s going to cause citizens of those nations to suffer over this globalist war. Meanwhile, the US is urging more arms for Ukraine in order to expand the war.

The fact of the matter is, the West is attempting to bleed Russia of their military power and economic resources. Russia is essentially fighting against the entire West right now. I loved this quote from Lavrov,

“They no longer insist on international law, but on respect for the ‘rules-based world order,’ in which the ‘rules’ are never explained in any way.”


Isn’t that the truth?

This is why Lavrov said, “The danger” of World War III “is serious”.

In a way, it officially started two months ago.

Then we had this news come in yesterday…

Putin Warns Of ‘Lightning Fast’ Retaliation If West Interferes In Ukraine

While speaking with lawmakers, Russian President Vladimir Putin said,

If someone intends to intervene into the ongoing events (in Ukraine) from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for us, then they should know that our response to those strikes will be swift, lightning fast.”


This isn’t coming from some news flunky.

This is coming from the leader of Russia.

Putin followed up by saying, Russia would not hesitate to use their modern weaponry.

“We have all the tools for this — ones that no one can brag about. And we won’t brag. We will use them if needed. And I want everyone to know this. We have already taken all the decisions on this.”


As a leader of a nation, you don’t just make statements like that.

Some may say Putin is bluffing, but I wouldn’t call his bluff. This just happens to coincide with Russia testing their, modern weapon, the RS-28 Sarmat nuclear-capable missile.

The Sarmat missile has a range of 11,000 miles, halfway around the earth. It’s capable of holding 10 large warheads, or 16 smaller ones, or a combination of warheads and countermeasures.

It’s a nation killer.

Check this out.

What many foreign defense specialists have found most disconcerting is the prospect of the RS-28 being armed with Project 4202, a Russian hypersonic glider warhead carrier which, after separating from its ICBM launch vehicle, would be able to accelerate to speeds between Mach 7 and Mach 12, acting like a hypersonic cruise missile. The glider, expected to come online between 2020 and 2025, would be capable of maneuvering to overcome any existing or prospective missile defenses to reach its target.


Sounds like a good time doesn’t it?

Here’s the deal.

Hypersonic missiles cannot be stopped.

So if one of us pushes the button, barring a miracle from God Himself, it’s going to wipe out millions of people.

This Is What Nuclear War Would Look Like

I showed you this before, but it bears another look.

Here is a nuclear war simulator. The image below depicts the damage radius if a nuclear bomb were to strike New York City. As an example, I used the United States W88 thermonuclear bomb of 475 kilotons to map the damage.

Perhaps that doesn’t sound like a good time after all.

It’s time for the U.S. to catchup, or it’s time for…


Global NATO!

Meanwhile, Britain is calling for a “Global NATO”.

This comes on the heels of NATO planning a permanent military presence on their eastern border. This was something they promised Russia long ago, they would never do.

Around the same time, Russia warned Finland and Sweden against joining NATO. Russia even threatened new nuclear weapon deployments if they do. Finland and Sweden snuffed their nose and announced, they are going to join.

NATO says, they could join quickly.

None of that sounds like the symbols of peace and people working together, does it?

Lest you believe a massive NATO is some new thought. Let me remind you of what we have been sharing with you since 2015 on this subject.

There you have it.

Europe has been talking about creating a European Army for a long time now. By the way, the online world freaked out about this one back then, but it’s long forgotten now.

We have a hot mess on our hands, don’t we?

What’s The Bible Say About Nuclear War?

Not a darn thing is the answer.

Some will claim, Zechariah 14:12, 2 Peter 3:10-13, and Revelation 9:15-16 talk about it.

Yet, it’s amateur hour at its best.

Most of these verses are taken out of context and use the symbolic carnage described to make their point. You always want to read within the context of a discussion, especially Scripture.

That is not to say the world is not at a dangerous point in world history. It is, though I honestly feel much of it is rhetorical in nature. Even if it’s extremely elevated.

The fact of the matter is, as frustrated as Russia is with fighting Ukraine and the West. It’s doubtful Russia will nuke a European nation, as of the events of today. Now I would not be surprised if some form of a nuclear weapon is used against Ukraine.

When you think “nuclear,” that does not mean the “Mother Of All Bombs”. There are also, low-level nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, even that would dramatically escalate this situation.


Personally, I feel the West should have never been involved in Ukraine. We have enough of our own problems. The issue is, the West wants to run the whole world. While Russia is on board with globalization, their mindset is much different than ours.

So this creates some incompatibilities in the present form of globalization.

So when you get right down to it, the West is being galvanized. You now have other Euro nations wanting to join NATO which will bring the West closer together. These nations form the core of the present “liberal world order”. You know, the whole Agenda 2030 bit.

So at the end of the day,

There can be no new world order, until the old world order is destroyed.

Today, the world lives in perpetual catastrophe.

If it’s not an overhyped virus wrecking havoc, it’s the war that is becoming global. If it’s not war, then it’s the pending financial doom that is once again hovering over our heads.

One wonders how long until the whole world demands peace.

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