Millions Of Americans Expect To Lose Their Homes As COVID Rages

Yahoo ran this headline. If you recall, the Trump Administration has halted foreclosures two times now. Yet, nothing has actually changed for the better. Before the manufactured crisis called COVID, the millions of Americans who may lose their home were doing just fine.

I want you to understand, the government manufactured crisis created this new level of despair for Americans. They locked us down destroying our jobs, and with no job, many of us are unable to pay the bills.

This is a crisis of epic porportions and the question must be asked…

How much longer can it go on?

Millions of Americans are now at the mercy of the same government that created this crisis to begin with. That is how manufactured crises work.

Government manufactures the problem, so they can provide the solution to the problem they created. That is how you obtain more control over the people.

Unfortunately, it gets worse…

12 Million Americans Set To Lose Unemployment Benefits By Year’s End

So on top of millions of Americans who may end up losing their homes or the place they rent, millions more are about to lose their unemployment benefits.

This is the same song that has been sung since Spring. All they are doing is kicking the can further down the road.

That does not fix the problem though does it?

Of course not, Americans still owe rent and mortgages for the months they have missed. It is amazing to me how long this continues to go on. It will go on as long as they keep printing more money which makes the money in our bank accounts worth less by the day.

So in the end, it is a disaster for everyone.

But then again, that is the idea. To continue to destroy the wealth and freedoms of the American people so they have nothing left.

How much more easier then will it be to accept a new financial order?

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