Oregon Governor Says Snitch On Neighbors Who Violate COVID Mandate & More

Oregon Governor Kate Brown told residents to call the police if they see people violating illegal COVID mandates. This is what she had the audacity to say.

This is no different than what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake. What do neighbors do [in that case]? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy. This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.


Remember years ago the Federal Government came out with the saying, “if you see something, say something”? It’s still echoed in the airports to this day. That planted the seed for the communist ideals that have gripped our nation.

Brown adds,

We are eight months into the pandemic. We all have COVID fatigue. But we must stay vigilant. As the holidays approach, the best way to show our love this season is to rethink how we celebrate. I’m urging all Oregonians to limit their holiday get-togethers and wear a mask!


Fear, hype and paranoia.

By the way, Kate Brown is the same one who did not mind the radical left rioting in her cities, but hey, to heck with you and your family.

Newark, NJ Faces New COVID Restrictions

In Newark, NJ Mayor Ras Baraka has instituted similar illegal COVID mandates.

I know you want to have fun, but now is not the time for fun. We have to stay focused, we have to do what’s right. We want people to shelter in place. We want to be able to do that for 10 days, and we want only folks to come out for essential purposes. That’s what we want


Look folks, even if COVID was the danger we have been led to believe. The masks and staying at home does not work. That should be obvious to everyone by now. Despite all the radical communist mandates that kept Americans home, COVID continues and it will continue. Just like the flu will.

You remember Dr. Fauci saying in the beginning, COVID will be seasonal. So it’s going to be around, and I feel it was around before this event. This is a planned event for a desired outcome which ties into a new global order.

Belgian Police Will Knock on Doors at Christmas to Enforce Coronavirus Mandates

Breitbart reported this one,

Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden has warned her fellow countrymen that police will knock on doors at Christmas if needed to enforce Wuhan coronavirus measures.

The Interior Minister stated that law enforcement would make sure to enforce the strict Wuhan coronavirus lockdown measures even on Christmas Day, saying that “If necessary, if there is a lot of noise, for example, the police will knock on doors.”

This is going on all over the world.

I also want to remind everyone. When these illegal lockdowns started, they occurred all over our world nearly at the same time. Not only were we reporting on this daily for you, but we received tips from readers overseas explaining their nation had just locked down.

It was not two weeks later and our nation followed suite.



Californians Defy Gov. Newsom Curfew Order, Flood Streets in 16 Cities

Now not all Americans are cowering to overreaching government officials. Thousands of Californias in 16 cities took to the streets to defy and protest Governor Gavin Newsom’s illegal COVID curfew and other mandates.

If we are going to keep the Republic, people have to stand or it will certainly fall.

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