Mom Gets Arrested By NYPD For Not Properly Covering Her Face

The lady in this video was arrested for not properly covering her face with her mask. Her nose was left out, and you can hear her screaming, ‘I cannot breath’, obviously due to the mask constricting her air flow.

This is not some foreign country, this was in New York City. This is not the United States I know, and these are not the law enforcement personal I have encountered.

This is a police officer, these are followers in uniform and they do not represent the People. They are not representing the Constitution, and just how are they helping to prevent the spread of COVID by using 4 law enforcement agents to tackle one lady?

This is not about a virus, this is not about China, this is not about re-election. This is about control, this is about taking away your rights.

To the lady in the video. Mam, thank you for standing your ground. A lot of us men can learn from you.

By the way, roughly 1,700 inmates were released from Rikers Island Prison in New York. 110 of these criminals have already been rearrested for crimes. Real crimes.

More From Michigan

According to MSN,

Michigan closed down its capitol in Lansing on Thursday and canceled its legislative session rather than face the possibility of an armed protest and death threats against Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Michigan’s government is now afraid of the people. You have never read headlines like this before in your life. Not in this nation. This is happening, it is happening right now.

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