Virginia Sheriff Refuses To Enforce Governors Illegal Lockdown

Culpepper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins has refused to enforce Governor Northam’s illegal lockdown order. He has decided to stand with The People and joins the ranks of numerous other Sheriffs at this point.

Sheriff Jenkins said,

“We will not trample the constitutional freedoms of our citizens to enforce an edict of the Governor. I do not speak for any of the other jurisdictions in the health district.” – Daily Wire

Sheriff’s are standing, police are standing, doctors are standing, and judges are standing for what is right.

Christians Are Standing

Breitbart reports,

Churches across the country are filing lawsuits against Democrat governors who are not including them among the “essential” services that may immediately “reopen” as states move away from their coronavirus lockdown environments.

More and more people are beginning to do what they should have done from the beginning, and that is stand for freedom, and their rights.

This Is Not About Political Parties

I do caution people not to play the political game as Breitbart did here. Democrat Governor’s are not only to blame. The Republican Party, the Republican President is also to blame. None of them are your friend, they all brought this calamity upon you. Not just the Democrat’s.

I am pointing that out as this political divide does just that, it divides the people. If the people are to stand, if that is what God wants, then we need the barriers removed.

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