No Hope, Only Doom

As I rolled and scrolled through my news feed this morning, that title popped into my mind. It seems fitting for the narrative government and media spin for us each day.

I tell you what, I couldn’t find a single story that provided an ounce of encouragement. It was doom and dread through and through. The one article that sounded half way decent was about a 2,000 year old Roman bridge and village that surfaced due to low water levels.

I love history, click into the story I go.

It was interesting enough, until they laid this line on me.

The region’s current drought, amplified by human-induced climate change, appears to be the worst one in at least 500 years, CNBC reported, citing meteorologists.

There it is.

  • If there isn’t enough rain, it’s man made climate change.
  • If there’s too much rain, it’s man made climate change.

Get off it already!

It’s pure propaganda, and if you had your first cup of coffee, then you probably noticed the “inclusion” in that statement. They didn’t call it “man made,” but “human” climate change.

Haha Yes! You women aren’t getting out of this one! We’re in this mess together.

So I rolled a bit more through the news and found this one…

Power Bills

US electricity prices surging and more people than ever are struggling to pay the power company. More than 20 million American households have fallen behind on their utility bills, about 1 of every 6 homes, and the amount they owe has doubled since before the pandemic.


So they’re telling us, roughly 17% of Americans cannot afford their light bill.

How many people do you know that fit into this category?

I don’t know a single one.

Perhaps people need to go back to work. I keep hearing about record job openings. Regardless, here’s some advice… Turn off the lights when they’re not in use, and does your house really need to feel like an ice box?

Don’t worry though, I’m sure dirty Joe will bail you out, just like those college students. Ahh, that brings up another notable concept.

Do you see what has happened to America?

People willingly signed up for school loans, and then cry about paying for the schooling they signed up for!

We no longer hold ourselves accountable. It’s always someone else’s problem. There is always someone else to blame for our problems. That way, we don’t have to take accountability. People hate doing that, do you know why?

It means they have to get up off their rear end and do something about their own situation.

Meanwhile, the government and media would rather you just listened to them. Then, they can dictate policy without you getting involved. Win-win for the fat cats.

I rolled some more…

Housing Market

Suddenly, everyone is shocked the housing market is headed south.



It’s only hit record and unprecedented levels.

Do you see how the news rolls?

There’s never any good news to be had.

When house prices hit record highs, they said housing was becoming unaffordable. Now that house prices are starting to head south, that’s a catastrophe too. There is always some catastrophe.

The fact of the matter is, your house is not an ATM card. Your house is your castle. It’s where you build and nurture your family. Not a get rich quick scheme. Besides, no matter how much equity you have in your home, it doesn’t exist, unless you sell.

Lord in Heaven, don’t tell me you got a second to buy a car. Just keep that one to yourself.

Then I rolled into politics…

Riots In The Streets

I caught a clip of warmonger Senator Lindsey Graham.

Graham said, ‘if Trump is prosecuted, there will be riots in the streets.’

Graham just planted a seed into the mind of the unstable. He’s manipulating red Americans.

Let me tell you something.

If you think I’m going to riot or protest for the dude that locked down our nation. The dude that is proud to have brought us the jab that injured millions…

Well then, you don’t know me too well.

Why didn’t Graham call for riots when our nation was locked down? Where were his warnings about riots then? All the while, illegals continue to flood our nation with COVID and every other disease known to man.

So Graham and his words are pure political bull!

Scroll, scroll, scroll…

Ukraine War

Do you realize the war in Ukraine has been raging for 6 months now?


What’s even more crazy?

The government and media continue to scare us about nuclear annihilation. All the while our government continues to fund the war to a tune of $54,000,000,000! That’s $54 billion American dollars. That would be our tax money sent over to Ukraine to kill Russians.

I didn’t sign up for that, did you?


The government and media love when you tune into their programming. That way, they control the conversation. They keep you sucked into their web of nonsense. That’s how they direct policy and keep selling you junk you don’t need to buy anyway.

So there you have it.

Today’s news didn’t offer us any solutions to our problems.

So what are you going to do about it?

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to turn it off now. I got my fix. Now I’m going to go for a quick run and have some oatmeal for breakfast. Then, perhaps I’ll go torture the kids for a while and answer some reader emails.

Sure beats the news!

Moral of the story: Spend more of your time focusing on the things that you can control.

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