Fear: Nuclear Meltdown, U.S. Senator Calls For Putin Assassination

I don’t think I have ever seen more fear and lies peddled by the media than I do today.

Wait a second, yes I have…

It was during the last two years. When the media and government told us daily we were going to croak or kill our family, if we didn’t mask up and take the jab. The media is still up to their same scare tactics, it’s just a different narrative this time around.

Before we dive in today, I want to make it clear. I have not and will not take any side in this Russian/Ukrainian conflict, unlike the rest of the world. What we have done for the last couple of weeks is report facts and ask questions, something the media refuses to do.

Ukrainian Nuclear Meltdown?

Last night, news broke that Ukraine’s Zaporozhskaya (Zaporizka) nuclear power plant had come under attack by Russian forces. The alert went out from the Ukrainian President’s Telegram channel.

The nuclear power plant was on fire.

It’s the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe.

Nuclear Terror!

Ukrainian President Zelensky put out a video to explain the dire situation. I must post the translation in its entirety, so you can read it for yourself. It’s important that you do.

“Europe needs to wake up. The biggest nuclear power plant in Europe is on fire right now. Russian tanks are shooting at the nuclear blocks. These are tanks equipped with thermal imagers, so they know what they are shooting at.

They have prepared for it. I am addressing all Ukrainians, all Europeans and everyone who knows the word Chernobyl, who knows many casualties were inflicted by the explosion on the nuclear plant. This was a global catastrophe and its consequences were battled by hundreds of thousands of people. Tens of thousands had to be evacuated and Russia wants to repeat that and is already repeating it, but 6 times bigger.

Europeans, wake up please. Tell your politicians, Russian forces are shooting at the nuclear plant in Ukraine. Zaporizka nuclear plant city of Energodar. There are six energy blocks there. Six. In Chernobyl one energy block had exploded.

We have gotten in touch with our leaders, partners, I have already spoken to Charles Michel, Olaf Scholz, Andrzej Duda, President Biden. We have contacted head of IAEA, Grossi and also Prime Minister Johnson. We are issuing a warning, no country has ever shot at nuclear blocks except for Russia.

First time ever. For the first time ever in our history, in the history of human kind, the terrorist country has reverted to nuclear terror. Russian propaganda had warned in the past to cover the world in nuclear ash. Now this isn’t just a warning, this is real.

We don’t know for sure what the results of this fire will be, we don’t know when the explosion will happen or, God willing, not going to happen. Nobody can know or calculate for certain, but our boys have always kept the nuclear plant safe.

We made sure no provocations could happen. We made sure no one could go there or access it. We made sure no one could plant bombs there. Plant bombs and keep the world hostage to nuclear catastrophe.

We must stop Russian soldiers now. Immediately call your politicians. Ukraine is 15 nuclear blocks, if there is an explosion it is the end for everyone. End to Europe. Its the evacuation of entire Europe. Only immediate action can stop the Russian troops. Do not let Europe die in the nuclear catastrophe.

Fox News

Fear, dread, doom.

10 Times Larger Than Chernobyl

Bloomberg quickly fueled the fear by quoting the Ukrainian Foreign Minister,

“The Russian army is firing from all sides upon Zaporizka.” This is the nuclear power plant. Again, he reminds people, this is the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe. “If this blows up, it will be 10 times larger than Chernobyl.”

Now stop.

Does the explained scenario sound legitimate to you?

I sure hope not.

Nuclear Terror? Think About It

To me, it is clear, the Ukrainian President is grasping at straws to cling to power. It is my opinion, someone/entity has paid this man a handsome price to hang in there, and hopefully keep Ukraine in the West.

The quotes you just read are not rational, nor are they logical. Ukraine borders Russia, and this nuclear power plant is less than 800 miles from Moscow, Russia’s capital.

  • Do you really think Russia would attack a nuclear power plant?
  • What purpose would it serve?
  • “Nuclear terror” as Zelensky described?

C’mon man.

Russia would feel the effects of any “Chernobyl” event.

This is blatant and disgusting propaganda. Zelensky said, “Tell your politicians”. As if they don’t already know. He already explained he spoke to many of them in his message. Zelensky’s words and deminer are not those of a mature and powerful leader.

This is all fear-based.

Men do not make logical conclusions under fear and paranoia. They react, instead of thinking through a situation. Zelensky is stirring up the world to come to his aid.

Here’s a life lesson.

Never mistake someone else’s emergency for your own. Desperate men will draw you into their own problems.

IAEA: No Radiation Leaked

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi said,

“All the safety systems of the six reactors at the plant were not affected at all, and there has been no release of radioactive material.”


So there is the truth of the matter.

If the Russians were performing “nuclear terror” by ‘firing on it from all sides’ then it should be severely damaged and have blown up by now.

Yet, that is not the case at all.

So there is your proof.

More fear, more lies to prey on your heart. In my opinion, these are attempts to gain public support for the United States (aka NATO) involvement in Ukraine.

So what really happened?

We may never know. Here is a reported video of the fire and the Russians now control the plant.

Russia’s Minister of Defense claims it was sabotage by the Ukrainians and the Ukrainians claim it was the Russians.

Someones lying!

While we are talking about sabotage, it’s being reported that the Ukrainians scuttled their own “flagship vessel”. Now I don’t know about you, but if I was in a fight for my life, the last thing I would do is sink my own ship.

Senator Graham Calls For Putin Assassination

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more insane, it does…

There you have it, a sitting United States Senator calling for the leader of another nation to be assassinated. We live in truly disturbing times. Make note of what Graham said, “The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.”

Graham is always peddling fear. Before Russia it was Iran.

This ties right into the propaganda Sean Hannity issued yesterday. There is a clear attempt to sway the American public into supporting another war.

Then, just yesterday, only three Congressmen voted against a broad resolution condemning Russia that could put U.S. troops in Ukraine.

Those whole scenario ties into what I have been saying…

This is a must-win war for Russia and a must-win war for NATO.

This is about globalization and where it goes from here. The West wants all the power and doesn’t want to share. Read some of our recent articles on this for the details.


When Will The Ukraine War End?

Russia already told us.

This war will not end until Russia has completed the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine”. This message was repeated by the Russian Embassy of Canada as well.

Think about it.

If Russia stops the war now, Westernized Ukraine will still exist. You better believe NATO will bring it under its arm. This is exactly what Russia does not want, this is the reason for the war to begin with as we explained, (see: This Is What Russia Really Wants).

Therefore, it seems logical to conclude, Russia will not stop until the current government of Ukraine has been removed from power. So I really don’t see a ceasefire or any peace negotiations, unless it means the Ukraine government is dissolved. Which seems unlikely.

Russian Sanctions, Ukraine Support

Meanwhile, NATO continues to pour arms into Ukraine. Including fighter jets, and just who is going to fly them?

Russia continues to be sanctioned and ostracized. In fact, the European Commission just ceased working with Russia along the lines of “research, science, and innovation”.

Days ago, the World Bank prepared a $3 billion dollar support package for Ukraine. Just yesterday, US President Biden asked Congress for $10 billion dollars in support for Ukraine, (ie: military hardware).

Don’t forget, never forget!

The same government telling you about freedom in Ukraine took yours away during COVID. In fact, the national COVID emergency issued under former President Trump is still in effect. In reality, we should withdraw from NATO, the UN, and so on. In a perfect world that is.

But I digress…

Despite all the training and funding of the Afghani military, they folded like a sheet in a week.

Do we really need to wash and repeat?

What we have unfolding is absolute insanity. It should completely display for you, the world order is completely fractured. There is no single authority orchestrating what is unfolding. A kingdom divided cannot stand, have we all forgotten such Biblical basics?

The fact is, the global powers are fighting for control over the world.

Ukraine seems to be ground zero.

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