People Are Starting To See, The System Is Rigged

The eyes of the people are beginning to see the entire system is rigged. Do not assume this is some great awakening of our mind.

For as many years as this site has been around, we have tried to educate our readers to the fact the system is rigged. Everything. Elections, finance, you name it.

These systems were compromised long ago to wrestle control, power, and wealth from the people. The compromised systems then began to benefit the few at the expense of the many. This only becomes worse as the years march on. This is how you control people, this is how you control the world.

The GameStop Bet

Much of this manipulation came to light in the financial sector just days ago. A group called WallStreetBets on Reddit formed together and countered a major short bet by hedge fund Melvin Capital.

A little background…

When you short a stock, it means you are betting the price per share will go down rather than up. This obviously creates negative pressure on the stock price. Melvin Capital held a large short position against GameStop. If you bet wrong in a short position, your losses could be infinite depending on how high the stock price rises.

So a group supposedly consisting of millions of people on Reddit poured their money into GameStop stock which caused the price per share to dramatically climb. We are talking from about $20 bucks a share to $400 a share. The financial gain was astounding which meant Melvin Capital took a massive hit which is unknown, but must be billions of dollars.

As the story goes, this was the people against big finance that completely revealed how fraudulent the financial system really is. If enough people or dollars get together, it shows how the system can be manipulated to serve one’s goal.

Think about it, GameStop did nothing to see such a price increase, it was simply the little guys unleashing a vendetta against the big boys, or so we are told.

That’s not the end of the story.

The Plot Thickens…

In response to the dramatic rise in price, RobinHood, an app for trading stocks halted the purchase of GameStop stock to just a single share. However, clients could sell as many shares as they wanted.

This created negative pressure for GameStop stock in order to stop the dramatic rise in price, this helped the hedge fund reduce increased losses. Google also helped stop the bleeding by subsequently removing over 100,000 negative reviews of RobinHood that were left in response to the companies decision to halt trading.

Even the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) halted the trading of GameStop stock!

The moral of the story, it’s okay if the big boys win, but when the little guys figure out how to play, win, and bust up the casino called the U.S. Stock Market, well then, they just have to change the rules in the middle of the game.

Nothing New, More Of The Same

None of this is new. It has only been made new to you.

This has been going on since at least the establishment of the Federal Reserve in the early 1900s. In recent years we have simply witnessed the theft of the people massively increase. This occurred in 2008 when Wall Street was bailed out with your tax dollars.

None of the problems from 2008 were ever fixed, they were only papered over. A financial illusion that put you back to slumber for a short time.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global financial system is now on thin ice, (by design). It has already been bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars in the United States alone. If the system were healthy, if the principals of the system were just, a bailout would not be needed.

Bailouts are globalist tools to consolidate wealth and power into the hand of the few. Today, they are even giving you stimulus money in the form of direct payments and extra bonus money for being unemployed.

That is not the American way, that is not God’s Way, that is the Godless way of the globalists.

I want you to think about the Federal Reserve for a moment. They are a private bank that now owns more assets than at any other point in history. Assets are things with real value, like mortgages. The Federal Reserve has purchased these assets with artificially created dollars which has greatly expanded their balance sheet.

When they create dollars, they are creating them out of thin air. The more they produce, the more it reduces the value of the dollars that are already in existence. That means it reduces the buying power of your money. It means they are stealing from you, in a legal way of course.

In the end, the Federal Reserve is buying these assets as no one else can or will. They are doing this to not only acquire real assets with fraudulent paper, but it also holds the system together.

By definition then, the system is broken. It is simply on life support to keep the shell game alive until it is time for the next phase of globalization.

The System Is Broken, The Enemy Wants You To Know

More people are coming to the realization that the system is broken and cannot be fixed in its current form. The GameStop charade helped bring much of this to light for millions of people as this story has been printed in every rag, I mean mag and newspaper by now.

Everything is broken. Think back to the election fraud narrative, COVID-19 itself, and social media bans. Nearly all information is being controlled at this point for a desired belief and reason. That means you should question all information less you become sucked in and trapped in a lie yourself.

I have seen these lies and agenda’s spread across the entire internet. From the left and right… If you are keen enough, you will note who is writing the articles you are reading that are bending your mind to their thoughts and perspectives which support the globalist agenda at hand… Whether you realize it or not.

Another Defining Moment

During the last year, there has been a major and aggressive force to divide the people now more than ever before. This force is evil and purposely pushing the people to pick a side that divides them further from each other.

Neither side stands with God in case you are wondering.

We are being divided from one another in just about every subject possible. There is now more doubt over our election and financial system than ever before. We are being brought to the point where we give up and rebel against these systems.

None of this is an accident or random stroke of luck. None of this is an honest awakening of the mind. This is a planned and coordinated media attack on our minds to further divide us as a people and nation.

At some point in the future, the financial system will collapse. It will not be due to some people in a chat room, rather, it will be time for it to collapse in order to bring about the next leg of global government

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