The People Have Power, The Winds Of Change Prove It

So we ants finally figured out, we outnumber the grasshoppers.

We finally figured out, we have the power.

How about that?

I’m not talking about the global COVID protests that have been raging for more than a year. They have been great, but governments have simply snuffed their nose at them.

Instead, I am talking about the Canadian truckers who have shut down portions of cities and highways in a matter of days. Now this right here, this has gained the attention of the government and media.

Ambassador Bridge shutdown by truckers. Links Windsor, Ontario, to Detroit, Michigan – Credit: NY Post

You see, if all we do is a typical protest, or complain online. No differences will ever be made. Instead, you have to mix things up. You have to start hitting people in the pocketbook. Only then do they really care.

Only then do we find out which politicians and health experts really care about COVID, and which ones are out for power and money.

What am I talking about?

Winds Of Change

Have you noticed, the rats are already beginning to scatter? The rats are your politicians and health experts. Suddenly, their tunes are beginning to change!

Dr. Wen is full blown commie, but she now sounds like a conservative.


She knows the scam is over and she doesn’t want to be left holding the bag.

Now don’t get me wrong, the winds have been changing for a while now. However, there is certainly an escalation taking place. Even the mini-dictator, Fauci says we are heading out of the pandemic.

Who really cares what the runt says?

Nevertheless, it shows things are quickly shifting.

Media & Government Lies

Unfortunately, Fox News seems to think this is due to the upcoming elections. Hey now, let’s give credit where credit is due. We are seeing a sudden and rapid change in course. This is not due to elections, this is due to the Canadian truckers.

This is due to ports of entry to Canada and the United States becoming blocked. That means goods are not flowing. It means big wigs and governments are losing money. That is why the course is suddenly shifting more rapidly than before.

Then we have White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. Listen to her act as if there is no Freedom Convoy. So very shameful. This only makes it worse by ignoring what is no longer ignorable.

We Have The Power

So your take away is what I have been saying for a while now.

We the people have the power!

That has just been proven to you. Keep watching, if the truckers hold the line. If we the people continue to support these guys, if we keep putting out updates on their progress. We are going to see governments cave in.

  • You are going to see the United States reverse course on the trucker vaccine mandate.
  • You are going to see Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau backtrack and do the same.

There are too many truckers involved at this point. The videos are all over the internet of massive peaceful crowds. Canadians and Americans overwhelmingly want COVID everything to end.


You also want to remember, this trucker convoy started as the U.S. and Canadian governments imposed a trucker vaccine mandate. It was the final push that went too far. People will only take so much for so long.

So what’s going to happen moving forward?

The Evidence Mounts

Today, it’s no secret, the COVID pandemic has been overblown to no end. The virus has a 99.9% survival rate. The vaccines have proven ineffective and dangerous. Documented by the record cases of COVID around the world with record vaccinations taking place.

The amount of doctors who have come forward is astounding! In fact, Professor Udi Qimron of Israel’s Tel Aviv University penned an op-ed titled, Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure.

It was scathing!

Then we have:

I have always felt, though our world is very dark. Not everyone in the upper ranks are evil. Not everyone agrees with globalization. This also has proven itself by what we have been witnessing with doctors, lawyers, and other high-ranking individuals speaking out for all of us.

Thank God and bless them!

It makes you wonder if heads are going to roll…

At this point, freedoms have been removed. We lost two years of our lives under global tyranny, and the truth is not leaking out, it’s gushing forward.

We may very well see some radical changes take place in our world. I am not holding my breath, but the scope of this pandemic is far too big for it to just vanish without an answer.

Nuremberg 2.0 anyone?

We will see, but any effort by the global body to implement justice, will by definition, provide more credence and power to the global body.

Something to keep under your hat.

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