Pope Teams Up With United Nations On LGBT

Surely it’s of no surprise, but pope Francis along with his Anglican and Presbyterian sidekicks affirmed their commitment to homosexuality.

Together, the trio denounced the criminalization of homosexuality still found in 67 nations around the world.

Francis said,

“Criminalizing people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice.”


Really now?

Coming from the world’s biggest religious figure…

A Distinction Between A Crime And A Sin

Interestingly enough, Francis and friends make a distinction between what the church says, and what man’s law says.

Francis said there needed to be a distinction between a crime and a sin with regard to homosexuality. Church teaching holds that homosexual acts are sinful, or “intrinsically disordered,” but that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect.

Bantering with himself, Francis articulated the position: “It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.”


So here’s the deal…

The Bible says in the Old and New Testament, that homosexuality is a sin, (Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:26-27). So pope Francis gets that, he’s just saying homosexuality is not a crime that should be punished by nations.

However, if you truly accept God, then we know it is a crime against Him, and that’s what really matters.

Let’s read it for ourselves…

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

So then…

  • Is it righteous to accept man’s law or God’s?
  • Is it loving to promote homosexuality, knowing partakers are condemned to death, not by man, but God Himself?

It should be obvious to these highly religious men that we should help homosexuals see the error of their ways. Not help promote their errors, and bring their sinful ways into the church.

Francis even said, parents should never throw their gay kiddos out of the house.

“To condemn someone like this is a sin.”

Is it condemnation to live according to the Law of God?

Take a look at this next quote from the pope.

“We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are.”


Now that’s an absolute lie.

We are all God’s children, and He does love us, but He does not accept us as we are. If that were the case, God would have no problem with Satan. Yet, Scripture tells us that death and hell are prepared for the Devil and his angels, (Matthew 25:41).

God does not like or love Satan the way he is.

Next quote…

“People with homosexual tendencies are children of God. God Loves them. God accompanies them,” Francis said.


That’s another lie.

The Holy Spirit cannot dwell with sin and wickedness, God is far from it, (Proverbs 15:29).

All of this was simply Francis reaffirming his belief that,

“Being homosexual isn’t a crime.”


I’ll tell you something, homosexuality is a crime against God, and that’s the only thing that matters.

So how does this tie into the United Nations (U.N.)?

The U.N. will release a report in June concerning the “perceived contradictions” between religious freedom and sexual orientation and gender identity.

The report will put forward recommendations to States and other relevant stakeholders to fully comply with their obligations under international human rights law to protect and empower LGBT+ persons to pursue happiness, exercise and enjoy all their human rights, and choose how to contribute to society on an equal footing with everyone, including through effective participation in religious, cultural, social, and public life.


So the United Nations wants governments to decriminalize homosexuality. Further, they demand religious institutions the world over endorse it.

I am quite sure, what is happening today within Christianity and other religions is what has always happened. Long ago, in order for the church to stay relevant they bent to tyrants and the wicked. They figured, if we accept these people, it’s more power and money in our coffers.

The thing is, you can never stay relevant with God by turning your back on Him. You may become popular with the world for a time, but friends, this world will only carry on so long.

So there’s no doubt about it, the pope and his sidekicks are helping to prep for more global coordination over homosexuality. They want homosexuality to be accepted on an international level, and in order to accomplish this, it means our faith must take a back seat.

Religion Used As Justification For Violence

Back in 2020, Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur said,

“I firmly reject any claim that religious beliefs can be invoked as a legitimate ‘justification’ for violence or discrimination against women, girls or LGBT+ people.”

Come on now.

Your common man is not interested in “justifying” or committing violence against homosexuals. That’s simply propaganda to get their view more attention. Christians simply want to serve our Heavenly Father and uphold His Laws without our own families being propagandized.

Ironically enough, the United Nations understands what ‘women and girls’ are.

Color me shocked.

Make no mistake about it, the United Nations has no interest in preserving our Christian faith, nor the beliefs of other religions. They are simply using their power to promote homosexuality to the entire world. They are dedicated to wicked an immoral behavior, and their page here displays it all.

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