President Trump Is A Perfect Example Why COVID Is Crap!

I cannot help but laugh at the mainstream media, especially the radical left. They continue to smear President Trump saying his medical condition is worse than what is being reported.

How humorous as they relate us catching COVID to inheriting our death bed. In that case, wouldn’t we expect the President to show signs of being ill?

Of course.

Folks, just tune into Trump’s Twitter account. Does this look like, or sound like a man on his death bed due to COVID-19?

That was October 3rd. Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on October 1st.

Maybe you can catch a sign of illness in his voice a time or two, but overall, he sounded and looked well.

Trump Looks Healthy To Me

This next video was from yesterday, October 4th.

He looks sharp, and he sounds sharp.

The dreaded killer known as COVID-19 just cannot seem to harm a 74-year-old man. COVID is a joke, an utter joke folks. Take off the masks already!

It seems the sham is beginning to unravel, even the Michigan Supreme Court has struck down illegal COVID lockdown orders, add them to the list.

The Surprise

Due to a large amount of support for the President outside the hospital. Trump promised those folks a big surprise, you know what it was?

For this act of gratitude, the mainstream media has vilified the President and their Hollywood goons. Plain ridiculous if you as me.

Since Trump tested positive for COVID-19, several other members in his cabinet have also tested positive for COVID. As I was writing this, it was announced the White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany has tested positive as well.

So they all are getting it, and guess what?

They all are going to be fine! I tell you what, claiming to have COVID-19 and recovering right before the elections is a great publicity stunt! It certainly would seem to take the hot air out of the COVID hype…

10% Of The Globe Has Been Infected

Speaking of COVID hype, I have to close this one out by telling you what the World Health Organization just said… They claim 10% of the globe has been infected with COVID.

Folks, the world population stands at about 7.6 billion right now, so 10% is 760 million people who have contracted COVID. 760 million people!

Where are the dead?

As the truth would have it, the dead are very few and far in between. Just ask the CDC who says, the latest survival rate for COVID is 99.98%.


Here are a couple updates Trump posted on his Twitter account. I think this is pretty important concerning the seriousness of COVID at this point. I am not sure why he did not say these things during the debate. In my mind, the entire thing is a campaign stunt. Can’t help but laugh though. I am sure his supporters are going to run with this.

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