Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic With Rituals

You won’t believe it.

Then again, maybe you will.

The Satanic Temple is now in the “healthcare” business. They recently opened an abortion clinic in New Mexico called, “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.”

No, this is not a joke.

From there, you’re directed to their actual healthcare site. TST Health (The Satanic Temple Health), which stands for, “The Satantic Temple Health.”

Their motto?

“TST Health provides free religious telehealth medication abortion care, courtesy of The Satanic Temple.”

How can “health” and “abortion” even be in the same sentence?

Now, before I dive into this one, you should understand, The Satanic Temple is not the defunct “Church of Satan.” Those were real Satanists. On the other hand, The Satanic Temple are self proclaimed atheists, who essentially use Satan as their mascot.

It’s absurd, I know, but I talked about it here, and provided the details right from their website.

Regardless, as Jesus said,

“For he that is not against us is on our part.”

Mark 9:40

Well, they are against us. Atheists are against us, and to invoke the name of Satan into your message and brand is evil, period. Everyone should realize that, but everyone doesn’t.

In fact, Cosmopolitan Magazine is so vile and desperate, they covered The Satanic Temple’s wicked attempt at publicity. Cosmo has an entire article, filled with Satanic symbology to discuss and essentially, promote abortion at this Devilish clinic.

Apparently, Cosmo isn’t that proud of their work, as they took their story offline.

Ahh, but the internet never forgets.

You can still find their abominable article here.

As Cosmo points out, The Satanic Temple’s new telehealth venture is not a social experiment in trolling. Instead, “the clinic is fully credentialed, serving real patients.” All in the hopes of breaking “the religious right’s group on abortion law.”

That’s the killer thing for me.

Abortion is not about religion.

It’s about life and death.

It’s about murder.

When you have an abortion, you are murdering an innocent human life.

How in the heck did we get to a point in world history where we look past such obvious facts?

Cosmo goes on to promote a personal story…

Jessica — formerly and raised Catholic — is a 37 year old mother of three.

She’s also pregnant but not for long. A set of abortion pills is waiting for her back home, thanks to speedy shipping via Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic team.”

Can you believe it?

They treat pregnancy and motherhood like nothing, like absolutely nothing. That’s what the entire trans/LGBT movement is all about. Now men are women, and women are men. It’s a disgusting and mixed up world, one that gets more grotesque by the day.

Do you realize there are now tampons for men?

Of course, the men are really women, but who can tell anymore, right?

Ahh, but I digress…

Let’s continue with the devious magazine article for “young women,” shall we?

“By TST’s accounting, no other faith-based group in the U.S. has ever launched an abortion clinic. And that’s the game-changing twist here: Unlike other abortion-pill-by-mail providers like Hey Jane or Abuzz, TST is a religion. Meaning its patients, who don’t have to be Satanists themselves, are participating in a religious ritual. That’s a key legal distinction TST hopes to leverage in its historic push to expand its clinic model beyond New Mexico—into states where abortion is otherwise banned.”

So you see what’s going on here?

The Satanic Temple claims to be a religion, which is really just a joke. Since most, if not all members are professed atheists. In reality, this organization should be dissolved, but that’s aside from the point.

Now, here’s the heart of the matter…

The women having an abortion at this clinic are “participating in a religious ritual.”

What kind of ritual?

Let’s read some more…

“She [Jessica] listened with curiosity as the nurse described the optional ceremonial aspects of the Satanic abortion ritual: First, you find a quiet space. Bring a mirror if you can.”

This is invoking that which is evil.

Cosmopolitan is invoking the Devil, and spreading this disease to our society, and your daughters.

I can hear um now…

“Ahh Brandon, but my daughters don’t read Cosmo.”

No, but their friends do, and they have conversations with your kids. The right recourse as a parent, tell your kids the inside and out about everything, then they know how to react.

The Satanic abortion ritual continues…

“Just before taking the medication, gaze at your reflection and focus on your personhood. Home in on your intent, your responsibility to you. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When you’re ready, read the following tenet aloud:

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

Take the medication and immediately afterward, recite, Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

This is ritualistic brainwashing.

The Devil has been embedded in society for eons, now he’s making a public appearance.

The ritual concludes…

“Later, once your body expels the aborted tissue, return to your reflection. Focus again on your personhood, your power in making this decision. Complete the ritual by reciting a personal affirmation:

By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.

“Aborted tissue?”

That makes murder more palatable, doesn’t it?

They mean, “baby.”

This is absolutely sick, disgusting, and abominable.

Atheist or not, this is the Devil’s work.

This is the very definition of Satanic.

This proves the whole abortion movement is devious, wicked, and evil.

In fact, The Satanic Temple and Cosmo couldn’t help but rub Christian’s nose in it. In the Cosmo article, they feature video clips like this…

Upside down crosses?

What’s that have to do with abortion?


It’s a blatant attempt to rile up Christians and slander Jesus Christ.

These are the people that 2 Thessalonians 2:12 talks about.

“That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

These people take pleasure in sin.

They take pleasure in mocking God.

In fact, that quote in the video clip above continues…

Blythe defends TST’s provocation as a strategic tactic.

“At this point, we don’t have the luxury of trying to make abortion seem more palatable, because we tried that and now look where we are,” she says. “So we’re just going to come out with both arms swinging, completely defiant.”

That’s exactly what abortion organizations do.

They attempt to make murdering the unborn seem, “palatable.”

That’s why society has come to accept it.

Abortion providers have watered down the very meaning of ending life.

They made women feel like it was their choice to murder their baby.

They never, not once said, the women made their choice when they decided to crawl into bed with a man. Not once have they ever said that.

Instead, they’ll talk about “rape” and “incest,” which are hogwash arguments.

Do you realize, rape accounts for just 1% of abortions, while incest makes up less than 0.5%?

You’ll be shocked to learn the most common reasons for abortion are:

  • 74% –  Having a baby would dramatically change my life.
  • 73% – Can’t afford a baby now.
  • 48% – Don’t want to be a single mother or having relationship problems.

When has the media ever provided the actual reasons for abortion?

Never, not once, ever.

Instead, they play human sacrifice by making — abortion — the murder of the unborn seem “palatable.” They’ve divided our entire society on the issue, and they’ll make it an election year issue.


Society has been so dumbed down, all they believe is that “women have a right to abortion.”

Lord help us all.

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