Scotland Targets Christians In Proposed Hate Crimes Bill Protecting LGBT Groups

Just the other day it was Denmark, now Scotland is trying to introduce a hate crimes bill that would severely limit the free speech of Christians. Three large Christian denominations are coordinating and disputing the pending bill.

I love the fact that Christian denominations are working together to cease their own demise. We need more of that folks.

As with all hate crime bills, they seek to silence free speech in general and make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.

“The Bill would move even further from policing and criminalising of deeds and acts to the potential policing of what people think or feel, as well as the criminalisation of what is said in private,” he noted.


How many times have we read these lines now? Even censoring what we say in private. What is said in private, is private.

The reason we need Christians to stand together, is our enemies are always standing together…

The bill “will enable the prosecution of all Scotland’s religions and their Holy Books for spreading hatred,” said the convener of Atheists Scotland, Ian Stewart.

Stewart went on to ridicule the Bible showing tolerant he is, and his words truly show a lack of understanding Scripture.

Today, anything is considered hatred if it does not go along with modern morality. All perversions and sins are acceptable today, and if you disagree, that is considered hate speech.

Do you see where this is going?

Stewart said that his group intends to “monitor all Holy Books, sermons in places of worship and the social media accounts of the various religions” and will report any offenders to police to be criminally prosecuted.

This is another great reason to get off social media. It is a record of all your online thoughts. It is extremely easy to search and capture anything you said. As we have seen over the course of the last few years, many people have got in hot water over their social media posts.

Why give the enemy the ammunition?

There was a beacon of light in this article.

Last July, the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) warned that the hate crimes bill would lead to the “policing of what people think or feel” and the “criminalisation of what is said in private.”

The Scottish Police force is against this disturbing bill, they can see it for what it is. A way to criminalize Christians for their beliefs.

Folks, none of us should ever support any legislation aimed to target “hate”. Some of these bills sound good, but all they are doing is trying to destroy our freedoms. A crime is a crime, period.

The more these bills pass, the more the anti-God movement gains traction. No wonder the CEO of the Hallmark Channel promised more LGBT characters would be coming on their network, saying, “This Is Who We Are.”

Notice how bold he is in that statement, it is his belief. He is bold enough to say it, and back his belief by airing more LGBT characters…

Now, are you bold enough to turn it off?

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