Founding Fathers And National Archives Rotunda Deemed Racist By Government

Just when you think national blasphemy cannot get any worse… It does.

The National Archives’ task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives’ own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of “structural racism” and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

Fox News

You have got to be kidding me?

I am sure we all saw this coming when they started taking down monuments around our nation a few years ago. This all escalated last year during the uncontrolled riots that spread like wildfire across our nation.

Since that time, all we hear are calls to abandon our nation’s national heritage. Calls now coming from within our own government.

The report also called for “trigger warnings” to be put in place with historical content to “forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms.”

Hey, you wouldn’t want to mentally harm the snowflakes.

“For example, a search of Thomas Jefferson in brings up 24 results. He is described in this sample lesson plan as a ‘visionary’ who took ‘vigorous action’ to strengthen the ‘will of the nation to expand westward,’” the report continues.

The National Archives’ task force doesn’t like that.

“The plan does not mention that his policy of westward expansion forced Native Americans off their ancestral land, encouraged ongoing colonial violence, and laid the groundwork for further atrocities like the Trail of Tears,” it added.

Look, we do not need an asterisk next to everything that happened in history. We all learned native Americans lost their land in school growing up. The Trail of Tears is marked to this day along roadways and there are signs and landmarks for us all to remember.

No nation was ever formed without bloodshed. The fact of the matter is, you didn’t live then, and neither did I. It doesn’t make what happened right, but it does not provide a reason to erase the greatest nation in world history.

Continually, we see our Founding Fathers attacked. This attack is not confined to them. In fact, these attacks are acts of war against our sovereignty as Americans who live by the Laws of the Constitution.

Make no mistake about it.

They are purposely creating doubt over our nation’s founding and history so they can destroy it… And you.

Another important article explains, the U.S. House of Representatives just passed a bill to remove Confederate statues from the Capitol. They did this in the name of “racism” and “hate”, but that is just another lie. An easy target that will only lead to the next one which is already beginning as we have covered.

What is happening in our nation is a travesty.

Now ask yourself, who benefits from America’s destruction?

It’s certainly not you and your family.

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