The Spirit Of The Antichrist Is Hard At Work

You can feel it, the spirit of the Antichrist in the world today.

So many hearts have turned cold. Long gone is the respect society had for their fellowman and the conservative concepts and ideas of prior generations. The concern for most people today is what else can I gain right now, no matter the cost. That’s a highway paved straight to hell.

More and more, we continue to see people leave God’s side.

Many people are disgusted with mainstream Christianity. The church is simply a shell of its former self. Today, in many cases, it exists to entertain, not enlighten. It exists to enrich its pockets, not the souls of the lost.

Another day goes by, another poll comes out that shows the belief in God dipped to another low. Honestly, it’s amazing what people believe in these days. Some believe in God, but then not the God of the Bible.

Well then, you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, and I don’t know what to tell you.

He’s the one who provides salvation for all. It’s a message that’s been told for two thousand years my friends. A message that was being told far before then as well, Christ just came to fulfill it. Yet, as the days pass, we live in a world that doesn’t want to hear about Jesus.

It’s a reminder of their sin.

So, the people burn down the churches.

Then, they burn some more.

It’s heartbreaking to watch.

So is reading about churches being converted into breweries, clubs, and anything but a center to serve God.

Then, we have the issue of our faith itself. Today, many Christians are divided over our beliefs. We’re divided to the point that we become hostile to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s a travesty.

We treat Gentiles better than God’s own family. All because we disagree on Biblical doctrine. My friends, I have news for you. No one believes exactly as you do. We all see things differently, we’ve all had different life experiences.

So don’t make an enemy out of a brother, (2 Thessalonians 3:15).

When people aren’t busy destroying our churches and when we’re not busy fighting with each other, the Gentiles seek to destroy us.

Yes, this man of the Catholic faith was being told to strip off his attire and his cross, in Israel. This is yet another dividing point in our faith, the belief that Jews are God’s chosen people.

Boy, how we read right over Galatians 3:27-29 and Romans 4:13-14.

Nevertheless, this displays the persecution of faithful Christians who continually stand for God. That video was only a light example of some form of persecution. For Christians in third-world countries, the spirit of the Antichrist is even worse.

It infects the enemies of our faith with blood lusting…

While we don’t hear about it, daily, Christians are being slaughtered in distant lands.

They are some of the souls under the altar, (Revelation 6:9).

Pastor, Wife among 43 Christians Killed in Central Nigeria

It’s easy to read such a headline and move on, but let’s read a quote from that article.

Most of the victims killed during the attack are women, children and the aged, as most of them were unable to escape as the armed Muslim terrorists and herdsmen shot randomly at anyone they sighted during the ambush on the village.

Can you even imagine a bunch of infidels coming into your town and start murdering you for your faith in Jesus Christ?

I can’t.

7 Killed, Including Pastor in Burkina Faso

Another headline that we normally miss or zoom over, but not this time.

The terrorists encircled the village, shooting in the air to create panic. Then, they entered a compound where they killed two people. A third person who was there fled and got to the pastor’s compound. The jihadists followed him to the church leader’s compound… [T]hey went in and shot the young man and pastor dead, in front of his wife.

That is evil.

That is the spirit of wickedness working in our world.

There’s a whole list of Christian persecutions taking place around the world.

In fact, according to Open Doors, last year 360 million Christians suffered high levels of persecution and discrimination due to their faith. Another 5,600 Christians were killed for their faith.

This has been going on for a very long time, but it’s increasing. Darkness is increasing all over the world. The fact that America has become a cesspool is a major example of that. A nation that once did much good in the world is now the source of many of the world’s troubles.


Society has given the spirit of the Antichrist free reign in our world. It’s the broad road to destruction, but no one tells you that. It may be the feel-good path, but it leads you straight to hell.

You as a child of the Living God remember that. As you watch the world crumble and infold on itself. Don’t take part in the darkness. Don’t take part in the evil that is gripping our world.

Stay true to Jesus Christ and lift up a brother along the way.

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