This Is Why Education Has Taken A Left Turn

For years, even decades, the education system in America has been failing. Not just failing, but it’s become a major part of the political arena.

Even if you don’t realize it.

Daily, our children are bombarded with political ideologies in the classroom. History class doesn’t just consist of teaching the kids about, well, history. Oh no, they tell the children who was gay in history, and who was a slave master, to the point of ad nauseam.

These days, our children are not being educated, but brainwashed to accept a certain political persuasion. Essentially, our children are being groomed to accept a political ideology that goes against our traditional history. One that doesn’t believe in God or places little value on Him.

I’m quite sure, most of you are nodding in agreement right now, but why has this taken place?

I’ll tell you, in just two words.

Teacher unions.

Teacher unions have been ramping up their political involvement since 2004. In fact, during that time, their donations swelled from $4.3 million to more than $32 million.

Guess where the funds are being directed?

The Democrat party.

“…most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving Democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990

Open Secrets

So there you have it.

Teacher unions have been supporting liberal policies for over 30 years. This is why our schools have been failing for 30 years. This is why education has become less about education and more about propaganda.

Nothing has displayed that more clearly than the madness we have endured these last three years. This all tells us, America has a major problem.

There are forces that not only perform their jobs, but then they bring politics into it. By donating millions upon millions to certain political parties, it shows a highly vested interest in politics. With such a vested interest, these teachers then promote a liberal ideology in the classroom.

It’s a travesty.

Education is not about brainwashing the children, but teaching them.

Here’s the biggest difference between a liberal and a conversation.

  • A liberal wants to tell you how to live your life.
  • A conservative wants to live their own life.

That’s why it’s so difficult to beat a liberal in politics. They’re far more driven than we are. We like the tradition of our culture, our faith and nation.

Liberals don’t, they hate it.

So each day, liberals put 110% into destroying what our ancestors built to make their own liberal ideas become a reality.

How do you beat that?

By getting involved.

By realizing that is the root problem here. Our lack of involvement means, liberals will continue to win unless we step in the gap. This isn’t just a problem with your children’s school, but the nations colleges…

In fact, Politico was just talking about it.

Colleges continue to pump out liberals in mass.

Look how much our world has changed in the last ten years, heck five, even three years.

Today, we have men entering women’s beauty pageants, and then winning! Men playing on woman’s sports teams, and then dominating. All in the name of “equality,” “inclusion,” and “diversity.”

It’s preposterous!

Back in the day, liberals used to bombard us with talk about woman’s rights, peace, love and whatnot. Today, they remove the same rights they used to proclaim.


Today’s liberals are not yesteryears.

So as conservative men and women, we need to acknowledge what is happening before our eyes. If we find our school promoting an ideology instead of an education, then it’s our duty to pull the kids from school, and instead, give them a private education.

In fact, there’s a lot of states who are helping parents with that.

As Real Clear Investigations points out,

“A growing number of states are adopting a comprehensive new type of school choice program that would pose a threat to public schools if many students were to leave them for a private education.”

In many states, you no longer need to attend the public school in your area to educate your child. Instead, you can opt for state funds and have your child educated in a private school, home school, or other setting of your choice.

Think about it…

When you leave the public school system, you take away the power of a liberal. If enough parents do that, it will render the liberal ideology null and void.

This is critical to understand.

Liberals brainwash the children, when the children are placed before them.

Without that audience, liberals will have no influence, without influence, they cannot bring their radical agenda to fruition.

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