BIG WIN: Supreme Court Backs Texas On 6-Week Abortion Ban

God and Christians won big the other day in Texas!

The Supreme Court essentially backed Texas Senate Bill 8 which states, abortions cannot be conducted after six weeks of pregnancy.

Look how Politico explains it.

The Supreme Court early Wednesday let a Texas state law take effect that allows private citizens to sue to uphold a ban on the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy

The Supreme Court “let” Texas state law take effect.

I think everyone has forgotten something called, “states rights”, (read Amendment 10).

Texas has the right to make its own laws and enforce them. In our modern world, we seem to think the Federal Government is the authority, which is not so according to our nations founding documents.

Planned Parenthood Is Upset

Apparently, the murder company, I mean, Planned Parenthood didn’t like this decision as its going to cut into their profit margin.

“This is a de facto overturning of Roe before the Supreme Court has time to hear the Mississippi case,” said Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson. “And Texas will now go back to being a pre-Roe state, turning the clock back 50 years.”

You mean turning the clock back to a time when we valued the life of the unborn Mr. Johnson?

Yes, we certainly want to do that.

This is good news concerning the Mississippi case that the Supreme Court will hear later this year, and rule on next year. There is a slight possibility, they will overturn Roe vs Wade which made abortion legal to begin with.

Details On Texas New Abortion Ban

Aside from banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, the Texas law

Would deputize citizens to file civil suits against abortion providers or anyone who helps facilitate the procedure after six weeks, such as a person who drives a pregnant person to the clinic. Individuals found to have violated the law would have to pay $10,000 to the person who successfully brings such a suit

This means, it will require citizens to be a part of the solution. Citizens will help enforce this law. Politico seemed to think, the provision to have “citizen enforcement” in this bill makes it harder to challenge in court.

The Bill Is “Cruel, Unconscionable, And Unlawful”

Check this out.

Here comes the cry me a river part. All the radical liberals are trying to spin this into a bad thing.

“Patients will have to travel out of state — in the middle of a pandemic — to receive constitutionally guaranteed health care,” Nancy Northup, the president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said in a statement. “And many will not have the means to do so. It’s cruel, unconscionable, and unlawful.”

They mean, Moms who want to murder their child will have to travel out of state to do it.

Notice the last quote here…

Forcing mothers to travel outside of the state to murder their child is “cruel, unconscionable, and unlawful”. So murdering the unborn is not cruel, it’s only cruel that Momma has to get off her duff and drive a few hundred miles.

We place no value on human life these days.

In a perfect world, there would be no abortion and there would be no rape. Yet, we live in an imperfect world, I think this is a pretty good bill. For rape victims, they will be able to make up their own decision up to six weeks.

Dictator Biden Objects

Biden said, the Texas law

“Unleashes unconstitutional chaos and empowers self-anointed enforcers to have devastating impacts.”


“Self-anointed enforcers”?

Look at Biden call the kettle black.

Of course, Biden’s illegal executive orders, illegal mask mandates, and his desire for everyone to be vaccinated is not self-anointed enforcement?

I love the hypocrisy!

Hey Biden, read the 10th Amendment buddy, and get back to me.

Nothing about this is unconstitutional. If you do not like the law of your state, then call up U-Haul and move on out! That’s the great thing about America, states have the right to make their own laws and not be ruled by creepers like Biden.

Psaki Snaps!

Oh, I love the hypocrisy from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

Actually, the hypocrisy and discrimination is amazing!

Let’s see what you can pickup on…

A Catholic reporter asked,

Why does the president support abortion when his own Catholic faith teaches him it’s morally wrong?

Psaki responds, watch the video.

First off, Psaki cannot answer the question.

Then she plays the whole “women’s choice” game saying,

Its a women’s right, it’s a women’s body, and it’s her choice”.

Ahh yes, I haven’t heard them use that one in awhile! Only when it’s convenient.

But, when it comes to COVID, you don’t have a damn right or choice do you?

Put on that dirty mask and take the jab!

When Psaki was pressed by the reporter, she said,

It’s up to a woman to make those decisions, and up to a woman to make those decisions with her doctor.”

That means the healthcare choices belong to the women. They belong to the individual.

Do you see the double standard here?

When it comes to murdering a child, well hey, it’s the right of the women to make a choice. When it comes to wearing a dirty mask or taking a needle, it’s not your right to infect others.

I love it, but now for the very best part!

Psaki got a little upset and said,

“I know you’ve never faced those choices, nor have you ever been pregnant.”

That is just about blasphemy if you are a radical liberal.

I mean Psaki just told the male reporter that he never faced those choices and that… He has never been pregnant!

How dare she!

How does she know he has never been pregnant?

How dare she judge his gender identity by looking at his outward appearance.

What about his inter self?

What about his feelings?

Ohh how “cruel, unconscionable, and unlawful” this all is.

I demand Psaki be fired!

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