Texas, Mississippi Lift Mask Mandates, Open All Businesses!

We have some fantastic news for you this morning. Texas and Mississippi have both lifted COVID-19 mask mandates and opened all businesses! For Mississippi this goes into effect right away, for Texas it goes into effect March 10th.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said,

“It is now time to open Texas 100%,” Abbott said in Lubbock, joined by Lubbock business leaders at Montelongo’s Mexican Restaurant. “Everybody who wants to work should have the opportunity. Every business that wants to be open should be open.”

Star Telegram

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves added,

“This new order removes all of our county mask mandates and allows businesses to operate at full capacity without state-imposed rules or restrictions”.   


It’s a shame these states did not stand with South Dakota which never shut down, and never enforced any illegal mandates to begin with.

While the local media articles I read seemed to be fairly neutral on the matter, I had to laugh when I read an ABC article on the news.

They begin stating,

Texas is lifting its mask mandate, Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday, making it the largest state to no longer require one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of the coronavirus.


Notice how they had to slip an ol lie in there. Wearing a mask is not the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID, but it is the most effective way to keep the lie alive.

The bias from ABC was so bad, they even had to tell us what California Governor Gavin Newsom thought…

“Absolutely reckless,” Newsom said.

Sort of like his reign as Governor in the once blessed state. No wonder he looks to be recalled. Embarrassing!

But hey, let’s celebrate while the celebrating is good. Push your city council members to do the same. Tell your Governor enough is enough!

No matter how ugly the odds look, God’s People, Christians never give up the fight!

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