The Next 45 Days Are The ‘Most Critical Period In U.S. Financial History’

All the kings horses, and all the kings men are trying to put humpty dumpty back together again. The problem is, there is not enough glue or tape to hold him together…

Headlines like these are common these days.

The coordinated catastrophe called the Coronavirus Pandemic has brought untold economic damage to our nation and the world. Now the world’s leaders are saying things need to change. We are hearing calls for extensive bailouts, some are even saying everyone should be bailed out. We even have them prying on our hearts.

Once the economic damage began to appear, governments and central banks the world over essentially made money meaningless. They did this through bailout packages. The U.S. bailout package will end up costing taxpayers $6 trillion dollars they do not have. A number we simply cannot fathom.

Then we have other leaders and mouthpieces calling for a new world order, a new financial system and so on. One thing is certain, pain is on the way for the financial system, designed pain.

All in all, it seems clear, the world will never be the same. All you can do is take care of your family, and keep focus on God. The days ahead are uncertain, but are trending toward the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

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