Topic: Politics


Did You Know, Donald Trump Is The Christ?

Interesting title eh? I’ll explain. There’s always been a large divide within the Christian ranks. Everyone believes something a little different (or a lot different). Just stop by a church sometime, or browse Christian conversation

Chaos & Disorder

Desperate Democrats Divide Nation

The elections are now just days away. They will decide which political party obtains power, and reigns over the people. Each political party has its finger pointed at the other, explaining they are our problem.

Climate Change

The World Is Shifting To The Right

The world continues to emerge from the events of 2020. It was a horrible moment in world history, one that eroded our freedoms in the name of government health “mandates”. Then, a man was killed


Do You Want To Know The Truth?

Everyone says they have the truth, then you find out they believe differently than you, so who’s right? We only obtain truth by challenging our beliefs.


America Is A Sinking Ship

Day by day, our nation sinks a little more. We’re taking on water, and our bilge pump is broken. Instead of everyone working together to bail out the ship. Our leaders fight over how we


No Hope, Only Doom

As I rolled and scrolled through my news feed this morning, that title popped into my mind. It seems fitting for the narrative government and media spin for us each day. I tell you what,


What’s This Christian Nationalism Business?

We keep seeing that phrase, “Christian Nationalism” in the news, don’t we? It’s a growing trend, one that I was asked about, so let’s talk about it today. It’s not really a new term, but