Desperate Democrats Divide Nation

The elections are now just days away.

They will decide which political party obtains power, and reigns over the people. Each political party has its finger pointed at the other, explaining they are our problem. The fact of the matter is, both political parties are our problem, but few of us realize it.

There’s no doubt about it, America has fallen off a steep cliff these last several years. It all started under a Republican administration when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Americans saw their freedoms removed and lockdowns sweep the nation.

Since that time, crime has skyrocketed, and due to the financial decisions of our nation since 2008, inflation is soaring. We cannot blame inflation on one political party. If we do, we truly show our ignorance of how the world works. In fact, the entire world is drowning in inflation.

This is from years of loose monetary policy by the world’s central banks.

We’re not going to rehash that history today. However, we are going to look at the Democrat party to see how they are sowing a tremendous amount of division on the national stage.

Democracy Is At Risk

The Democrats are led by President Joe Biden. The President is supposed to be respectable, and bring the nation together. However, that’s something Presidents did long ago, not these days. Instead, they tow the party line until America is fractured in two.

We are about there now.

During Biden’s recent speech he said,

“There’s an alarming rise in the number of people in this country condoning political violence or simply remaining silent,” Biden added. “In our bones we know democracy is at risk, but we also know this: It’s in our power to preserve our democracy.”


Let me translate that for you.

“If you don’t vote Democrat, we are going to lose our democracy.”

Once again, the American people are being played like a fiddle. Typically, we are told each and every election cycle, “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” We haven’t heard that line much this go-round.

Instead, they shot right past that line to the ‘destruction of our democracy’, if we don’t vote Democrat. Cute. Of course, the Republicans do the same thing. I still recall Trump, well before the 2020 elections calling into question mail-in ballots.

That initiated the radial division we have in our nation today.

The Path To Chaos In America

Look at this next quote from Biden, speaking of “election deniers.”

“This driving force is trying to succeed where they failed in 2020 to suppress the rights of voters and subvert the electoral system itself,” Biden said. “That is the path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful. And it is un-American.”


He’s partly right of course.

  • If we continue saying, we cannot trust our elections, then why are we voting in them?
  • Why are candidates running for office, if they believe the elections are rigged against them?

It really doesn’t make much sense, does it?

A candidate may say the elections are rigged, but when they win an election. Suddenly, the elections are not rigged after all. It’s quite stupid actually.

That’s why I lost a lot of respect for Kari Lake. I think she speaks very well, and she says a lot of bright things. Yet, during the primaries, she started spouting off that they were seeing fraud in the elections. When she won, she dropped the argument.

That to me, makes me sick.

The reason?

Our politicians are using the American people through division to obtain office. The Republicans say the elections are rigged, but only the elections they don’t win. Then you have the Democrats saying if the Republicans obtain power, our nation will fall.

Here’s Biden with that line once again.

“In a typical year, we are not often faced with the question of whether the vote we cast will preserve democracy or put it at risk, But we are this year.”


Again, ‘if you don’t vote Democrat, we will lose our democracy’.

For the record, we don’t have a democracy (majority rule), we have a republic (rule of law).

Here’s a clip of Biden uttering some of these lines.

The Dark Forces Thirst For Power

Here’s another line from Biden…

“We the people must decide whether the rule of law will prevail or whether we will allow the dark forces and thirst for power put ahead of the principles that have long guided us.”

Daily Mail

Translation, the Democrats are the rule of law, and the Republicans are the ‘dark forces that thirst for power’.

Are you kidding me?!!!

Both parties are the dark forces that thirst for power.

That’s why both parties have spent a record $17 billion dollars on campaigns this election cycle. Do they really give a damn about you, or do they care about themselves and the mega-donors?

This is absolutely disgusting!

Divide, divide, divide.

Democracy As We Know It May Not Survive

They even drug out ol Barrack n’ Bones to get the message out.

During a campaign rally in Arizona, Obama said, if the Republicans win,

Democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona. That’s not an exaggeration. That is a fact.”


Says you Obama.

Says you.

My friends, can’t you see the political spin?

The Democrats are blaming the Republicans for everything under the sun. Yet, when you flip the script, we find the Republicans blaming the Democrats for everything. The most amusing part is the disaster we call and economy.

Both parties play on the ignorance of the American people. Most Americans do not understand how the economy works, or why it’s collapsing. They only see who is in power, and figure, it must be his fault. Americans need to become more educated and stop being used by the political elite.

Here’s Obama…

Aren’t you sickened by the political spin?

It’s like sports.

You root for your team no matter what they do, because it’s your team.

America is not a sports team, it’s a way of life, and it’s our home.

Clinton’s An Election Denier

I’m actually sick of the election denial talk.

It’s clearly a political tactic to get frustrated Americans to vote red. There is no doubt in my mind, the Republicans are going to make major gains come Election Day. They may even sweep it. I do expect to see some positive outcomes from it, but don’t expect some miracle turnaround.

Now, how could the Republicans possibly win, if the elections are as rigged as they tell you?

Moreover, we’ve known since the early 2000s that elections are rigged. I remember dead people voting, faulty voting machines, and so on during the Obama years. None of this is new. It’s only been made new for political gain, which has fractured our nation in two.

Now, how about Hillary Clinton?

Just 10 days ago, she said,

Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential elections.”

You don’t believe me?

Here’s the video.

So do you get it yet?

Both political parties are playing the American people for political gain. As I said, the Republicans may very well sweep this election cycle. If they do, you can bet that the Democrats will steal the election denial script and use it.

They already have.

By the way, who made the whole election denial thing mainstream?

I’ll let you figure that one out.


What we have discussed clearly displays that our political leaders, at the uppermost tiers of power, are destroying our faith in government. That’s why 9 out of 10 Americans are,

“Concerned that political divisions have intensified to the point that there’s an increased risk of politically motivated violence in the United States.”

All due to the rhetoric being issued from both sides.

However, Biden must take the brunt of this for his highly divisive administration. It’s breed nothing but hatred in this nation. I still remember Biden saying that terrorism from white supremacy is the greatest threat to our nation. That, parents are domestic extremists.

It all makes me sick.

Yet, if we look at the history of America, and her decline, we find Republicans and Democrats brought us to this point. Our nation only degrades more and more by the year. Neither party has changed the degradation, one simply slows it. We are a nation in peril.

The fact of the matter is, to a large degree, the political landscape is a club and you’re not in it. This club looks out for itself, and its interests. That’s why our nation continues to fall, regardless of who is in power. We certainly cannot blame our national sins on one party.

Don’t expect that to change until we turn back to God. No political leader is going to save you.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

How many will listen?

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