Did You Know, Donald Trump Is The Christ?

Interesting title eh?

I’ll explain.

There’s always been a large divide within the Christian ranks. Everyone believes something a little different (or a lot different). Just stop by a church sometime, or browse Christian conversation online, it becomes quite obvious, everyone believes something different.


I mean, we all read the same Book. Well, not really… There are hundreds of different English translations of our Holy Book, and thousands of denominations to tell you what those Books say.

Clarity at its finest!

Trump The Christ

So just the other day, I had another run-in with the “clarity” concerning our faith. It turns out, there’s a new book in town. Not a Holy one, but a book you can purchase that will provide a prophectic word. A book, for a price, that will help you understand Scripture.

Cute huh?

The author of this book makes a startling claim.

“During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump.”

Helgard Müller

I’ve heard things along these lines before. So many times in fact, I lost count.

Ohh, but this time, it gets much better!

“The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other.”

Helgard Müller

Surely, you know where this is going…

“the Son of Man is the “King of Kings” who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron.”

Helgard Müller

Queue the Twilight Zone music.

The book “…speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding “President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ.“”

Helgard Müller

There you have it.

The author wrote an entire book to tell you, Donald Trump is the Christ. Well, “the Son of Man, The Christ,” if it makes you feel better about the whole deal.

Now, for all you prophecy experts out there, this gem of a book can be had for those with “eyes to see and ears to hear” the truth for just $21.96!

What a deal huh?

Some of you might be reaching for your wallets right about now.

Yet, others still think I’m pulling their leg. So here’s the book cover.


I tell you what, it never ceases to amaze me what some Christians (I use that term loosely) will come up with. Even more amazing, is what they will peddle for a buck or two.

To think Donald Trump is the Son of Man, who is Jesus Christ is preposterous!

Matthew 9:6
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

So then, was Jesus speaking of Trump who could forgive sin?


It’s quite obvious (to me) from reading Scripture, that Jesus Christ is the Son of Man, not Trump. Nevertheless, the nuts and quacks continue to paint Donald Trump as a Messionic figure. Just look at his Truth Social account and what he “retruths.” It’s disturbing.

In fact, support for the former President reached cult status years ago. Hey, it’s okay to like someone and support them, but it’s another thing when Christians come up with scenarios to paint a man as some savior.

Sorry folks, but there’s only one of those.

His name is Jesus Christ, the one and only.

Let me share a verse with you.

Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

You see, once we start trusting in men, then our heart departs from God.

We leave our first love, just like the church of Ephesus. I’ve witnessed a lot of Christians fall into that trap. Most of them don’t even realize they fell in, not until years later in some cases.

These days, many Christians continue to depart from the Lord (unknowingly), and trust in men. It doesn’t have to be Donald Trump, it can be someone else, or even your political party. I don’t know about you, but I often feel Christians have left God for politics.


Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

The fact of the matter is, no man is ever going to save you. Only God can do that. Moreover, the quicker you realize God appoints our leaders, the better off you will be.

Charlatians Of Christianity

Unfortunately, the author of the book we discussed is not the only problem within Christianity. He’s not the only author, or figure, to place Trump on a pedestal. In fact, the charismatic church has done a bang-up job with that.

I hate to call other Christians out, but these are some of the problem children.

These are some of the charlatans.

There we have the charismatic church “laying hands” on Donald Trump. The blond-haired gal is Paula White, “prosperity gospel” extraordinaire.

In case you’re wondering…

“The prosperity gospel is a wildly popular Christian message of spiritual, physical, and financial mastery that dominates not only much of the American religious scene but some of the largest churches around the globe.”

A History of the American Prosperity Gospel

Apparently, the prosperity gospel is far larger than even I realized.

Paula White is a central figure of this movement, and she was a figure of faith in Donald Trump’s White House. The televangelist was appointed to Trump’s then, “Office of Public Liaison” to lead the “Faith and Opportunity Initiative.”

For some time, White has been Donald Trump’s go-to spiritual adviser and longtime prayer partner according to Christianity Today.

What exactly did this band of Christians do for the White House?

The folks…

“…clustered around Trump in the White House photos—what evangelicals sometimes refer to as a “holy huddle”—would allow White’s brand of charismatic worship in their own congregations: speaking in tongues, waving both arms, faith healing, shouting prophecies and collapsing in the pews, being “slain in the spirit.” Likewise, many have distaste for her ostentatious, jet-setting lifestyle, including lavish clothing purchases and multi-million-dollar houses and condos.”


Despite what you may believe about the practices of the now de funk “holy huddle,” does a preacher really need a private jet or multi-million dollar houses and condos?

Hey, who am I to judge?

In case you’re wondering…

This is how White pitches here flavor of Christianity. This is the “prosperity gospel” in action.

“We aren’t buying a miracle,” White said in one appeal. “We’re simply being obedient.” This appeal is very specific, keyed to each believer’s level of contributions. In return for their faith and monetary support, White promised in a recent series of emails that she is “asking God for a revival of finances in your life . . . You cannot ignore the prophetic and apostolic instruction that follows . . . YOU MUST GIVE . . . the biggest tool of Satan to sabotage the prophetic promises of God from manifesting is to get His people to withhold their resources . . . Do not cheat yourself . . . by withholding! . . . In this season . . . you must give something sacrificial!”


For Heavens sake!

So if you don’t give to White’s “ministry,” then Satan is sabataging God’s prophectic promise to you. Ohh, don’t those Biblical buzzwards make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

The idea here, you give some of your dough to White, and then God will bless you.

If you think it sounds like a con, you are not alone.

There’s another con artist, I mean Christian who sells, I mean gives away “miracle water.” He promises, one splash of his water means the Lord will bless you too!

Cultism And The Right

Unfortunately, cultism has now consumed vast swathes of Christianity. I still remember recording “49% Of Pastors Frequently Hear Conspiracy Theories Repeated In Church.” The amount of pushback and denial we had in the original comments from Christians was appalling.

As I put that video together, I learned how a lot of pastors are calling it quits. Many of them were dealing with more concern about conspiracy theories than what the Bible says. People wanted to be entertained, not spiritually enlightened.

That’s why so many men of the cloth are walking away. The people simply do not want to be spiritually fed.

Speaking of conspiracy theories…

Some political forces are seizing vast portions of Christianity. Using their faith against them in an effort to garner support for their political campaign, or to make a buck. In fact, there are more Christian prophets today than ever before.

We now live in an era where Christians latch onto anyone who even utters the word, “Bible,” “God,” and “Christ.”

  • Have we really fallen that far off the wagon?
  • Have we really forgotten what Jesus taught us?

Matthew 7:20
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Jesus told us, we would know someone by their fruit.

That’s their work.

People can say anything. People can say they love the “Bible,” “God,” and “Christ.” That’s just saying you have some form of faith. Yet, you have to prove your faith for it to be real. We have to prove our faith through by works. That’s what James, the brother of Jesus taught us, (James 2:20).

Instead of being on the lookout for that. More and more Christians continue to get wrapped into a cultist idology.


Today, many Christians have become more enamored with the man, rather than with God. We embrace politics and any huckster that comes our way, because they held up a Bible, or said they are a Christian.

  • Are we that Biblically illiterate that we cannot recognize a liar and deceiver?
  • Is this where Christianity is going?
  • What does that say about us?

Psalms 118:8-9
8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

Those words come from the Bible, will we listen to them, or a slick talker?

Psalms 40:4
Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

The word “proud” means “insolent” which is,

“Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.”

If you are pulling for politicians and pastors who act like that. People who tell you their way is the only way, then you might just want to turn in the other direction and walk away.

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