Topic: United States


Parents Deemed Domestic Terrorists By The Feds

Update: Parents Defending Education respond to NSBA letter. Yup. I tell you what folks, everything is politicized these days. We have a silent revolution taking place in our country. I say silent, as revolutions usually


Mayhem Monday: The World Lost Its Mind, Again

You will never believe it, but over the weekend, the world became an even crazier place. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but I want to tell you all about it this morning.


Brandon, I Went To A Health Freedom Rally!

Just a few days ago, I woke up to an email from Mr. Antonio G. He’s a long-time reader who has been vocal about standing up against the tyranny we face these days. He wanted


Corrupt Seeds Bring Forward Rotten Fruit

These days when you pull up the news, you are just about guaranteed to get heartburn. I have come to expect, the news today will be worse than yesterday. Actually, the news headlines yesterday set


Australian Rage, American Tyranny, And Information

As each day passes by, our world becomes a little crazier than the prior day. In just the last three days, the headlines, and information published through mainstream and social media channels is astounding. We


Who Owns The Media?

The media is the most influential source of information on the planet. The news surrounds us 24×7. Who owns the media that publishes the world’s information?