Topic: United States


US Gov Forces Homosexual Agenda On Schools And Children

It seems, the government is not content unless they are telling you what to believe and accept these days. The Department of Justice recently produced a “Back to School” video for the kiddos. It starts

Cyberwar & Tech

I Love It, This Guy Calls Out CNN

Let’s lighten the mood today, huh… This is absolutely fantastic! I laughed so hard I was hunched over crying. Where is this guy? I need to give him a high five. CNN and all the


Why Are These 10 States Leading The Economic Recovery?

Interestingly enough, the top 10 states leading the economic recovery are those controlled by Republican Governors, and primarily, they are red states. Most of these states re-opened much sooner than blue states. Hence, their strong

Chaos & Disorder

Our Nation Is Being Flushed Down The Toilet

To say Joe Biden is out of touch with reality is beyond an understatement. During a recent press conference, Biden said Americans are able to get through the Taliban checkpoints. Even the liberal media has


This Is Why Afghanistan’s Army Folded

In all of this, my mind continually wonders how it was possible for the Afghan Army, numbering at 330,000, and armed with billions in U.S. weapons… How could they fold up and run away once


Look How Effective COVID Propaganda Has Become

We keep saying turn off the TV, but America keeps turning it on and tuning into more propaganda. In the last month or so, there has been a huge effort by the mainstream media and


The Biden Catastrophes

It’s safe to say, we are witnessing some of the worst catastrophes in American history, all at the same time. From the horrendous pullout in Afghanistan, to COVID-19, to the border crisis, to the economy,