How About A Trump-Biden Rematch?

Yes, that thought crossed my mind this morning.

My next thought?

An article I wrote back in 2016 titled, “The Destruction Of Our Nation And The Ballot Box.” That was back when Trump was running against Satan’s wife, Hillary Clinton. In that article, I point out that 91% of primary voters did not vote for Trump or Clinton, they voted for someone else.

No one wanted Trump or Clinton.

Yet… They got Trump and Clinton.

That clearly tells us, there’s something wrong in America.

There’s been something wrong in America for a very long time, that something just gets worse with each passing day.

That something is us.

That something is us allowing ourselves to be manipulated by worldly “influencers,” media, social, and or otherwise. They divide us up into little groups and feed us… “Truth.” It’s funny, because everyone’s “truth” is different. Yet, we’ll fight (on the internet) to the death over it.

Yes, the fight between the left and the right has escalated.

The chasm between us is so wide, it cannot be mended.

That brings us back to Trump and Clinton.

No one wanted Trump or Clinton back in 2016, but they managed to win their primary, run for President, and one of them shaped our nations future. I shouldn’t have to tell you, our nation is nothing like it was back then, it’s far, far worse, and it didn’t happen in two years either.

Since those days long ago, it’s been a slow process of divide in America.

So with that thought, you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not thrilled about a Trump-Biden rematch. In fact, the mainstream media appears to be working in tandem with the Trump campaign to marginalize Ron DeSantis.

That’s right!

Even within the political left and right groupies, we’re divided among each other. Ohh, Jesus would be proud (*insert sarcasm*).

So what’s the latest jab?

DeSantis supposedly eats pudding with his fingers.

Well, let me tell you something, I got that beat!

About six months ago, Ron grossed me out just before a press conference. There at the podium, he used both hands to rub the sweat off his face. Having no where to dispose of the remnants, DeSantis wiped the face grease on his suit.


Told ya, I got the pudding bit whipped!

So the dude doesn’t have tact or manners. Neither do the rest of the circus freaks who have and do run our government. So perhaps the way someone eats pudding shouldn’t disqualify them to run for office.

I know, call me crazy.

That brings us back to Trump and Biden.

Personally, I say the two chaps already had their shot.

  • Trump did some good things while in office, but he divided this country like I’ve never seen. He also increased the deficit by 39%, and we’re now reaping those inflationary rewards.
  • Biden hasn’t done much good if any. He escalated the divide of Americans, embarrassed us in Afghanistan, and he’s found love in Ukraine.

But who cares what I think…

What do Americans think about a Trump-Biden rematch?

Here’s how they felt when asked that question:

  • 38% exhausted
  • 23% sadness
  • 23% anger

Uhh huh…

You want more juice, dontcha?

Another poll found 70% of Americans do not want Trump to run again. So what about the political break down, you know, the ol left verse right…

  • 44% of Republicans do not want Trump to run.
  • 63% of independents do not want Trump to run.
  • 93% of Democrats do not want Trump to run.

So there you have it puddin’ pop.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

There’s all these polls showing Trump beating DeSantis in a hypothetical matchup. However, those polls are polling our right leaning friends, not Independents or Democrats. Meanwhile, the media keeps marginalizing puddin’ fingers to beef Trump’s stock.

Why do you think that is?

Well, did you not just read the results…

If Trump wins the nomination, there’s a strong chance he will lose the national election, again. In fact, those same polls show Trump losing to Biden, but DeSantis beating Biden. The reason is simple, if you cannot get Independents in your corner, good luck winning an election.

Trump cannot seem to win over Independents.

So if he runs and loses, don’t be surprised.

Ohh, but I can hear it now…

They’ll say it again, “They cheated. Widespread voter fraud!”

Tell that to Fox News who’s still trying to explain it in $787 million different ways.

But wait, there’s more!

As it turns out, 70% of Americans do not want Biden to run for re-election. Oh, and Biden is 80 and Trump is 76.

Good grief, is it really too much to ask to have a younger chap run for President?

So that brings me all the way back to the beginning of this article. It brings me back to the article I penned back in 2016.

  • Back then, we didn’t want Trump or Clinton, but we got um.
  • Today, we don’t want Trump or Biden, but we’ll probably get um.

It’s truly, exhausting.

Now I know our audience leans right, but Christianity is for everyone. I don’t believe it’s healthy for our nation to continue the course we’re on. It’s not healthy for you. It’s not healthy to constantly be divided, and Christians certainly shouldn’t be divided among each other.

We are Christians first.

When I think about our political divide, I see people on the left and right constantly berating one another.

So let me ask a question…

Is that inspired by the Holy Spirit or the spirit of the world?

You already know the answer to that question. So when some influencer cranks up your engine to hate the left or right, you just remember, the Holy Spirit is not found there. The Holy Spirit is not found in hate, but in love.

Let me put that into perspective for you.

The other night, while I was reading through Proverbs, I found this.

Proverbs 4:24
Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

“Froward” is “perversity” which means:

  • A deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way.
  • The quality of being contrary to accepted standards or practice.

Those accepted standards are not political, but spiritual. Those accepted standards and practices are God’s Word. So put away any perverse language that does not conform to the Bible.

Oh, we have more wise instruction from Scripture.

Proverbs 4:25-26
25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

My Christian friends, we are to look life square in the eye. We’re always supposed to watch the path where we place our feet. When we allow others to do our thinking for us, we veer off this path, and instead, we follow their course. We follow the course of the world.

So which political affiliation should we belong too?

Proverbs 4:27
Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

That one really sunk in for me.

Honestly, it’s how I’ve always felt. This whole left verse right bit is a trap. It’s placing our foot in evil by listening to worldly influences telling Christians how they should vote and who they should support. It boxes you into one train of thought.

Once again, my mind goes back to that article from 2016. It goes back to what I said about voting for people that are hot and cold, good and bad, bitter and sweet.

“Voting for evil has never worked, all it has done is led this country to depravity and ruin. We see this with our own eyes year after year, but we vote for the lesser of two evils as if we will really expect to see a different result.”

Today, the year is 2023, and it’s the same ol story, isn’t it?

That’s why you, as a follower of Jesus Christ should not get wrapped into every politically motivated message and agenda out there. You as a follower of Jesus Christ are to stay on the straight path, not veer to the left or right, but keep your eyes looking straight ahead at your path.

As important as we might think we are, or our favorite political figure is, I have more wisdom from God’s Word to share. Lest you think you actually control the election cycle.

It’s God, our Heavenly Father who,

“…changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:”

Daniel 2:21

Get knowledge, get understanding, by removing your foot from the evil path.

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