They’re Building A Digital Army To Fight Disinformation

Who is “they?”

In this case, “they” would be our pals at the United Nations.

You know, the biggest governmental welfare outfit on the planet. One continually fed by your national government.

Ahh, but I digress, maybe…

In a recent article by the United Nations, they were kind enough to calm our nerves about “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Oh, we better throw in “fake news” as well.

That’s right, they wanted you to know they’re busy constructing a “digital army” to “fight deadly disinformation.” Good grief, I’ve heard it all now.

What schmo buys these lines anyway?

Apparently, a lot of people who yuck it up.

So what did the globalist goons say?


“Designing ways to fight back against falsehoods that can trigger tensions, violence, or even death, the UN has been monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can attack health, security, stability as well as progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

United Nations

The only important piece of information in that entire long drawn out sentence, was the portion in bold. Everything else was fluff to prey on people. The real purpose for this “digital army” is to stop those who oppose the “Sustainable Development Goals.”

Don’t look so puzzled, we’re talking about Agenda 2030 here.

Look at this next bit.

“The ability to disseminate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an existential risk to humanity and endangers democratic institutions and fundamental human rights.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Did you catch that?

Do you see how the brainwashing works?

They throw out that whole “scientific” word, as if it’s Gospel. Actually, for non-believers, science is their version of the Gospel, it’s their version of “the truth.” I always love it when people tell me they have “the truth,” but you don’t.

In reality, people like the United Nations (U.N.) use that phrase to condition you to their way of thinking. People do this as well, but hey, we’re picking on the U.N. right now. The U.N. uses its authority to say, “Hey, we have the truth of science, and it says x, y, and z.”

In actuality, science is just like doctoring, it’s a “practice.” If we’re honest with each other, then it means we have some really smart folks out there playing science and doctor, but they don’t have it all figured out, and claiming to have it all figured out is lying to yourself and everyone else.

However, some are very conceded, so they push their narrative so they can push their agenda.

That’s what man always does.

They push their belief off on you, it makes them feel better, and they get what they want.

God never does that by the way. He tossed the Bible out there and made sure it would land in your lap for the duration of your stay on this planet. He never popped out of the sky and demanded you read it.

That’s all on you brother.

That’s what John 3:16 is all about.

Yet, men don’t act professional and proper like God.

Nope, we just tell you, we have “the truth,” and you better listen and conform.

So, the U.N. keeps doing what it does best, forcing its failing Sustainable Development Goals on the people. Now they’re busy brainwashing the youth in foreign nations. A 15-year-old is the latest victim. She’s been trained to gaze into her smartphone and “detect fake news.”

What’s she do then?

“Countering it with the most effective weapon: the truth.”

There’s that powerful five letter word, “truth.”

She has it, and you don’t, and she got her truth from the United Nations.

It honestly makes me sick to my stomach.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the United Nations continually pushes the whole man-made climate change bit. If you disagree with their “proven science,” well then, you’re a “climate skeptic.”

Do you see how we can never have a rational conversation?


One person has the “truth,” and that one person is never you.

So just listen and conform.


If you only listen to one person, hey, they may put up a pretty good argument that sounds pretty reasonable. But, if you’re wise enough to listen to the other side, you may just find out there argument sounds good as well.

That’s why we always act like the Bereans.

You know why?

They always had “readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so,” (Acts 17:11). Hey, if you do that with everything in life, you’ll be much wiser than most people.

In the spirit of listening to both sides of an argument, I found this report.

It’s by the “Global Climate Intelligence Group.”

You know what they said?


1,600 scientists signed off on that.


Yet, the United Nations will never entertain this crowd to see what they have to say. The United Nations already has it all figured out, and hey, when you already have it figured out

You don’t need to listen to anyone else.

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