$1.9T COVID Relief Bill And What Americans Think

UPDATE: Biden signs $1.9T coronavirus relief bill.

Yesterday, the House and Senate came to terms on the latest American bailout package, agreeing to a massive $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package to save America.

Don’t you feel better already?

The White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Biden will sign the bill on Friday.

Alright, so government steps in to save us from a crisis they created to begin with.

Got it!

I had to laugh when I read the bill had no Republican support. That’s politics folks! The Republicans did not mind spending your tax dollars when a Republican was in office, but now that a Democrat is in office, COVID bailouts are bad!

Now mind you, a trillion dollars from the last stimulus bill has still not been spent! Who cares says our government, let’s spend more money that we do not have.

Check this out, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy explained,

The bill “showers money on special interests, but spends less than 9 percent on actually defeating the virus.”

That’s right folks!

All this hubbub over the latest COVID-19 Relief Bill and only 9% goes to “defeating the virus”! Yes, I had to laugh at that one as well. I mean America to a large degree has been locked down for a year now. All because of COVID, rather, government’s response to COVID, right?

A virus (I have to say it), with a 99.98% survival rate.

Alright, so you want to know about the bill…

Details Of The COVID-19 Relief Bill

The American Rescue Plan Act passed 220-211 and gives $1,400 stimulus checks to Americans who earn less than $75,000 per year. It extends a $300 weekly unemployment supplement through Sept. 6.

Yes, the government is going to give you free money. We call that socialism where I come from.

I am sorry, but if a single filer makes $75,000 a year, you do not need free government money. If you budget right, $75,000 goes a long way, unless you live in San Francisco.

It gets better though.

If you file jointly with your spouse, you still qualify for free government money. There is a catch, as long as your combined income does not exceed… $150,000 a year! I am not even going to comment on that.

The government also extended unemployment benefits through September 6th. They did this same thing back in 2008. When the Federal unemployment benefits were set to expire, they just kept extending the programs over and over again until Humpty Dumpty was put back together again.

More details…

An extra $1,400 check is awarded for each dependent child, but in a change from past stimulus checks, the income limits apply to checks for kids too. Parents also gain a new annual tax credit of $3,000 to $3,600 per child in the bill, up from $2,000 per child currently.

NY Post

So this bill is not just about COVID obviously, this is about socializing our way of life. Conditioning Americans to rely more and more on the government, instead of providing for themselves as God has instructed us, (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Housing Memorandum Set To Expire

You all remember the housing memorandum that Trump put in place, and Biden continues to extend right?

Well, evictions are set to expire at the end of this month, and this bill does nothing to prevent that from happening. So that is something that is up in the air at this point. Like the unemployment benefits, the government will probably extend it again.

This is actually causing a major problem in the housing market. House prices keep climbing while you still have millions of Americans unemployed.


The government is not allowing the market to work. If you cannot pay your rent or mortgage, you cannot stay for free. However, the government is intervening and causing more problems.

So what you have going on is people are buying homes as usual. However, there is not as much turnover as people are not moving out or being forced out of their homes for lack of payment. This reduces the housing inventory, causing fewer homes to be on the market and inflating prices. Joy!

Pension Funds Get Bailed Out

Let’s talk more about the COVID Relief Bill.

In 2008 the government bailed out the banks and mega corps. In 2020 and 2021 they are bailing out everyone!

The $1.9 trillion Covid relief package passed by the Senate on Saturday offers $86 billion in funding to failing pension plans.


So pension plans who made bad decisions are going to get bailed out by the government. Reminiscent of 2008.

What about social security?

I am sure the government will address that one during a future crisis.

CNBC continues stating,

Many pension funds “have insufficient funds to pay full retirement benefits within the next 20 years.”

Social security is going to be bankrupt in less than 10 years the last time I checked.

Federal Reserve Not Concerned About Inflation

So over and over again, the federal government causes new money to be created out of thin air. In reality, this makes the dollars in your pocket worth even less. We call this inflation. However, the Federal Reserve is not concerned about inflation at all.

The reason?

The interest rate the U.S. pays to borrow money has been in steady decline. It costs less for the government to finance its deficits than it ever has.


Sure, until the rates begin to rise which is why we have seen the stock market jitter lately.

Record Taxes, Record Spending, Record Deficit

CNS News tells us,

Federal taxes hit a record $1,436,334,000,000 for the October-through-February period; and federal spending hit a record $2,482,988,000,000. That resulted in a record deficit of $1,046,654,000,000.

We saw the same headlines under the Republicans. Unfortunately, our government seems to have jumped on the “modern monetary theory” bandwagon. More on that in a future article.

This idea of spending into oblivion is a globalist narrative. We have covered it many times in the past.

Here is a sample:

  • IMF: “Please Spend. Spend As Much As You Can And Then Spend A Little Bit More”
  • IMF: “We Must Seize This New Bretton Woods Moment”

Alright, lots of details, so what do Americans think about this whole mess?

Americans Support Massive Stimulus Spending

I jumped over to Gallup to see if I could find some data for this.

Gallup begins,

Americans strongly approve of the idea of pumping even more government stimulus money into the U.S. economy. There is little indication that Americans are unduly worried about the impact of this unprecedented spending on the federal budget deficit.

Americans are not worried as no one told them to be worried.

The more money that gets pumped into the system, the higher the stock prices go, and that makes everyone happy. To heck with the underlying problems.

Now for the best part.

A Quinnipiac University poll, shows 68% of Americans supporting a “$1.9 trillion stimulus relief bill in response to the coronavirus pandemic,” with 78% supporting the idea of $1,400 stimulus payments to Americans.


So you basically have 75% of the population who thinks the COVID Relief Bill is a good idea. They think the government taking from one person and giving to another is the proper thing to do.

During a time of crisis of course.

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

What did Rahm Emanuel teach us about a crisis?

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

If that does not sum up the COVID-19 pandemic, I don’t know what does.

That of course is a globalist line. That is how you bring about globalization and a new world order. Slowly, but surely over time, you always step in to be there for the people. That is what the government has done here.

The government created this crisis when only 50 people died of COVID. President Trump declared a National Emergency. Never forget that.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

That event set the stage for everything we have witnessed up to this point. It’s typical “Hegelian Dialect” which means, the government in this example; creates a problem, they react to the problem they created by providing a solution. This is done in order to drive an agenda.

Use your eyes.

What has changed in our world?

Our country is more in debt, including the government, people, and corporations. More importantly, our nation is spiritually, mentally, and nationally broken. All due to this crisis, and newfound racism that kicked off “cancel culture”. Then factor in the government’s anti-moral policies that have and are being put into place, (see: Congress Passes Anti-Christian, Pro-LGBT Equality Act, and “God’s Will Is No Concern Of This Congress”: Rep. Nadler Says During Equality Act Debate).

When we combine that together, we see the people’s hearts have turned cold. This breaks national unity. This creates division. Never forget, division is required in order to fracture the nation to the point that it opens the door to another form of thought, another form of government, (Mark 3:24).

That is what you have heard echoed throughout the entire world this last year. That we cannot go back to normal, we must all work together. We must become one; “equality”, “inclusive”, “diversity”. Not just to fight COVID, but to save the world from “climate change”. On and on it goes.

Yet, all roads, all narratives, all agendas lead to the new world order. The only question is…

How long is that road?

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