US And NATO Escalate Probability Of War Over Ukraine


The good news is, all that polishing of my crystal ball is finally paying off. Why it was just 20 days ago and I said, no one knows what will happen in 2022, “So expect, the unexpected.”

The unexpected and crazy is happening, already and rapidly!

Unfortunately, the bad news is probably much worse than the good news I bring you.

Here’s what we have going on…

Is War On The Horizon?…

Unless you have been living under a rock, you are well aware of the flaring tensions between Russia and the West. The West is accusing Russia of wanting to replace the government of Ukraine with a pro-Russian leader.

Russia continues to deny this.

In fact, Russia’s press secretary recently said, they were not planning to attack Ukraine.

Someone is obviously lying.

Nevertheless, just two days ago, the first “military support package” arrived in Ukraine from the United States.

I woke up this morning to discover, NATO is moving forces into the region. Those forces include fighter jets and naval vessels. U.S. President Biden is now talking about sending thousands of ground troops into the region.

To make matters worse, in the biggest show of force in months, China just flew 39 fighter jets near Taiwan.

It’s like the hawks are swooping in for the kill.

This is the point where we hit the brakes…

Why, Why, Why?

Why are we even talking about Russia and Ukraine?

Ukraine has been going through the process of becoming a NATO member for a very long time now. However, Ukraine is not a NATO nation. Yet, the West has hopes it will become a NATO nation.

Go look at a world map.

Ukraine is Russia’s neighbor.

NATO would like nothing more than to set up a missile system, which could then be used to launch strikes against Russia in some future war. That is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s concern.

Now let’s flip the script, lest you become brainwashed by the media.

Let’s say Russia wanted to place missiles in Mexico, our southern border.

How exactly do you think we all would feel about that?

We would think Russia had gone mad and we would do anything to prevent that from happening. I mean rewind history, Cuba, Cold War, etc.

So I think Russia is certainly within its right as a sovereign nation to be concerned about Ukraine and NATO membership. In Russia’s mind, they need to stop it now, before Ukraine does become a NATO member.

Then again, Ukraine is within its right to become a part of NATO.

Yet, something has to give. There has to be some peaceful solution here.

Ah, but those are the whims of one who lives in a perfect world, which we do not.

The fact of the matter is, Ukraine is not a NATO nation, therefore, the United States needs to butt out! These are negotiations Ukraine and Russia must iron out.

The real issue here, NATO.

NATO is another one of those organizations that were founded in the 1940s. The old (current) world order if you will. For discussion on that see, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.

Today, there is no Cold War, so is NATO needed?

I don’t think so.

I am the type of guy who would rather see no “global body” of anything. Let each nation deal with each other themselves and independently. It’s how you keep everyone honest.

I feel these things are happening, as Biden is the weakest leader in U.S. history. Russia knows it, China knows it, everyone knows it. This has turned into a disaster, our nation has turned into a disaster, and not just because of Biden.

Don’t play politics here readers, your last President was a disaster. He brought us COVID and new record debt which helped lead our nation to record inflation. Before him, we had Obama, etc.

Each Presidential election cycle, our nation just becomes that much worse.

We Have Left God

For more on this, to understand why this is happening, please watch, A Reminder From The Bible.

Let me just put it very bluntly.

We, as a nation, we have left God, and God has left us.

We are getting the leaders we deserve. We are getting everything we deserve.

This has always happened when you look back on Biblical history. When the ancient Israelites left God’s side, when they became a sinful people. They went backward, so far backward until they cried out to Him.

Today, we are facing war. We are facing massive lies and deception from the government and media. So much so, most people don’t even know the truth. We are facing economic ruin. We have wicked leaders over us.

Just flip back to the Old Testament.

Go read Nehemiah 9. Read the whole chapter and pay close attention from verse 16 and on.

This has happened more times in history than I can mention.

It’s happening again. It has been happening.

Today, it’s simply escalating.

We are in for a world of hurt my friends. We are in a very dangerous position as a nation and world. Everyone now doubts our legitimacy. Even we, as a people, of this once great nation now doubt our own government’s legitimacy.

Look at this…

Source: NBC

Everyone feels like the fabric of our nation is coming unraveled.

Maybe we can work together to fix our many problems?

Source: NBC

As a whole, our people, our nation does not feel like it can rally together to face the issues of our lifetime.

  • We have allowed too much illegal immigration.
  • We have allowed too many anti-God policies.
  • We have allowed the laws of our nation to be violated for too long.

We have become too divided, just as Jesus warned, (Matthew 12:25).

Many do not believe this nation can fall, I believe it can.

I believe we are in danger of that happening…

When the people lose faith in the system, any system…

Watch out.

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