Biden Launches ‘Firearm Strike Forces’ In Liberal Cities

Who voted for this communist?

I think everyone is still trying to figure that one out.

The Justice Department announced the formation on Tuesday of “cross-jurisdictional firearms trafficking strike forces” in five major U.S. cities to track and stop the illegal transfer of firearms.

The strike forces, part of President Joe Biden’s strategy to counter spiking violent crime rates across the nation, will launch within 30 days in the Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., metropolitan areas in coordination with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and other local law enforcement offices.


Biden and friends are saying they have to do this in order to halt the spike in crime this summer. Now, let’s be honest with one another here. The spike in crime is not surprising at all. We saw crime drop in 2020.

Can anyone guess why?

Due to the pandemic of course. Everything was locked down and people were scared, even the criminals. So I certainly expected crime to spike this year. Nevertheless, the commies are running with it. I also notice conservatives blaming Biden for the spike in crime.

They are only playing into the narrative which will help move forward with the illegal seizure of firearms in this nation. Don’t pin the blame on the Donkey just for the sake of doing it. Stick with the facts.

It’s worth noting that the strike forces won’t necessarily be limited to operating within those metropolitan areas, according to the DOJ, and “will share information and otherwise collaborate across districts where firearms trafficking schemes cross state or jurisdictional boundaries to focus enforcement against entire trafficking networks, from the places where guns are unlawfully obtained to the areas where they are used to commit violent crimes.”

That means, this will not be limited to just the liberal cities and not that it matters anyway. There are good conservative folks who live in those liberal cities. Biden and friends seek to restrict gun ownership, we all know it. This is just one small move in that direction.

Yet, there are now 20 red states where you no longer need a concealed weapons permit to carry a firearm. A great divide continues to unfold in our nation…

I am sure some American’s are thinking about the Tree of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson told us about…

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Don’t worry, Biden feels it and said,

“Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government… If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

President Biden

The Communist In Command knows the American people are already fed up with his dictatorship.

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