Vaccine Passport Protests In: Paris, London, Geneva, Berlin, and Rome

The people are protesting all over the globe. Yesterday saw massive rallies in some of the world’s largest cities as more and more people are revolting against COVID vaccine passports.

It’s a fantastic sight!

Thousands and thousands are saying, enough is enough!


In France, they protested for the seventh straight weekend. Reports indicate more than 160,000 people showed up for the protests.

The protests concern the country’s COVID passport that requires people to be vaccinated in order to enjoy basic services, like visiting the grocery store.

Here is some video coverage.


In the UK, thousands upon thousands gathered in London to protest vaccine passports.

Some protestors broke off from the crowd and stormed a local television station.

Here is video coverage.

Notice their signs, “Jesus is real freedom”. Love it!


In Germany, thousands flocked and protested… You guessed it, vaccine passport measures.

More video coverage.

More Protests

They also protested in Rome and Geneva.


In Canada they were ready to string up their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It was so bad, Trudeau and friends had to cancel a campaign event as it was deemed not safe due to all the protesters.

In The U.S.

In the United States, life is fairly normal in most red states. The big problem is employers potentially demanding their employees to become vaccinated.

In blue states, we have a judge who took away a parents custody right since the parent was not vaccinated.

The blue states are the same states where hordes still believe paper and cloth masks protect you from COVID. Evident by the people in the stores and shops with masks on.

You don’t see that in red states.

One More Note

By the way, notice thousands and hundreds of thousands are protesting in Europe…

Why are they not all dead by now?

No masks, no vaccine, and they are alive and kicking.

Why are these protestors not stone dead by now due to COVID?

Aren’t these “super spreader” events?

Could it be that COVID is overhyped?

Nah, couldn’t be…

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