What We Can Learn From Afghanistan And The 48 Lowest Vaccinated Nations

If you have given the news any attention, then you have seen all the photos and video coverage coming out of Afghanistan. It’s a terrible situation. Yet, I want to use this bad situation to make a point about COVID-19 and give you something to think about.

Through all the media coverage, what has become obvious is the fact the Afghan’s are not wearing masks, nor are they socially distancing. Yet, the media is not pointing that out. They are only telling you what is going on in Afghanistan concerning the bungled withdrawal.

So we have thousands of Afghan’s flocking together in hopes of jumping on an airplane and coming to the United States. Thousands of Afghan’s who have been funneled into tight quarters at the airport where basic hygiene is not even a concern, must less “social distancing”.

Now isn’t that the definition of a “super spreader event”?

At this point, COVID has certainly spread around, even our troops are not wearing masks. Yet, no one seems to care or even take notice. The media certainly has not brought up this subject.

Nevertheless, we now have un-vaccinated and un-tested Afghan’s coming to the United States.

Isn’t that a sin according to our own government?

I mean in liberal cities we have lockdowns and COVID passports being introduced.


  • No one blinks an eye when thousands upon thousands of Afghan’s flock together?
  • No one blinks an eye when they come to our nation un-vaccinated, un-tested, no documentation or security clearances.

This is beyond a joke.

Meanwhile, some of you are losing your jobs if you don’t get vaccinated.

Does this make sense to anyone?

48 Lowest Vaccinated Nations

In light of all this, I took another look at vacs.live which is a database that documents the vaccination rate of nations around the world.

As of today, 4.1 billion people have been vaccinated. The global population is 7.8 billion in case you are wondering.

The screenshot below lists all nations whose vaccination rates are under 10%.

This is what we find:

  • Afghanistan ranks #178 on the list of 196 nations.
  • Afghanistan has vaccinated less than 2% of its population.
  • Afghanistan is one of the least vaccinated nations in the world.

Yet, it’s safe enough that un-vaccinated Afghan’s can crowd together without concern of spreading COVID. It’s safe enough that our military members do not need to wear masks.

This is utter insanity of the highest order.

Take a look at the list and we will continue after the image.

Afghanistan’s COVID Death Toll

Despite any worry, concern, or safety precautions in place, you would think millions of people would have died of COVID in Afghanistan by now. Not just Afghanistan, but all of those nations on this list.

I mean they don’t have masks, they don’t socially distance, and they have not been vaccinated.

So I jumped over to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center to see what I could learn.

Since the start of the pandemic, Afghanistan has recorded just 7,116 deaths due to COVID-19.

For the record, their population stands at 39 million people.

39 million people who have not protected themselves in any way shape or form and only 7,116 Afghan’s perished from COVID.

  • All this despite Afghanistan having one of the worst health systems in the entire world.
  • All this despite Afghanistan having horrible sanitation services and a lack of clean water for their people.

If we look at the other nations on the list, we will come to similar conclusions…

In light of all this, I say the wool has been pulled over the eyes of the people in first world nations.

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