Washington: Whites Denied Vaccines, Virginia Eliminates Accelerated Classes For “Equity” +

This world is beyond messed up. I have another word I would like to use, but will refrain. The Washington State Department of Health is allowing providers to deny vaccines to white people. They claim this creates “equity” and removes barriers.

How backwards is that?

The exact opposite is true.

They are creating barriers and removing “equality”. God’s Word is coming to pass so fast, (Isaiah 5:20).

Here is a quote from the linked article,

The African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry (AARTH) is a vaccine provider in Washington state. Eligible recipients can sign up for vaccines using their online scheduler. But if you’re white, you’re not able to access any open vaccine appointments.

By default, white people are put on a standby list — one of two lists segregated by race — for vaccine access. They will only provide their online appointments to people of color.

The source states the Washington Health Department has been contacted to see if this is lawful. They continue to deflect the question. Of course it’s not lawful! So again, we have states and organizations breaking laws to promote radical racist agendas.

Folks, these people. The ones coming up with these rules are a cancer. We must vote them out, we must challenge them in court. If we let this stand, our kids will be outsiders in their own nation. Christianity will be destroyed and done away with. In a sense, this is what happened to the ancient Israelites for their refusal to follow God.

I tell you what, if we are willing to let go. The enemy will gladly take over.

Reading the quotes in that article is pretty disturbing. It is unacceptable for any race to be excluded from anything. I don’t even agree with vaccines. Yet, that is my business. Anyone who wants one should not be excluded due to their race. That is something that goes on in the third world, not here, until now.

Virginia Moving To Eliminate All Accelerated Math Courses Before 11th Grade As Part Of Equity-Focused Plan

According to Fox News,

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is moving to eliminate all accelerated math options prior to 11th grade, effectively keeping higher-achieving students from advancing as they usually would in the school system.

This is being done in the name of “equity” which means,

Freedom from bias or favoritism.

If someone earns the right to be in accelerated math classes due to their academic record…

How exactly is that bias or favoritism?

Read this next quote.

“VMPI implementation teams continue to work on addressing these considerations while moving forward to improve equity in mathematics opportunities for all students.

Virginia Mathematics Pathway Initiative (VMPI)

These people, even Fox News is playing the political correct game here.

What they are saying, is too many non-blacks are in the accelerated math classes, while blacks are in the standard classes. So by removing these accelerated math classes, “we can all be equal”.

All it is doing is holding back those who wish to succeed and better themselves. This is not about “equity”. This is about destroying common sense and playing up to one race of people. No one ever got ahead in life by having their handheld.

A Loudoun parent who spoke on the condition of anonymity worried that the changes would “lower standards for all students in the name of equity.”

Of course it will!

The changes come as the state also considered eliminating advanced high school diplomas in an attempt to improve equity.

The state of Virginia is a disgrace.

Again, not enough blacks are receiving advanced high school diplomas, therefore such diplomas have to go. This has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with education.

This is just another excuse to pander to this radical new movement called Black Lives Matter. You should learn the truth about that organization. Turn off the media, and start boycotting these companies that promote one race over another.

Sign At George Floyd Square Gives List Of Special Orders For White Visitors

The area where George Floyd died now has a sign with special rules for white people.

Decenter yourself and come to listen, learn, mourn, and witness. Remember you are here to support, not to be supported. Be mindful of whether your volume, pace, and movements are supporting or undermining your efforts to decenter yourself.

NY Post

White visitors are also told,

Seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it. Bring your own process to other white folks so that you will not harm BIPOC.

For the record, BIPOC is an acronym for black, indigenous and people of color.

Now that sounds like racist hateful commentary right there. Imagine if such a sign existed for Muslims at the 9/11 memorial. Folks, this all should show you there is something massively wrong with our world. The white man continues to be painted in the colors of the enemy.

Notice, all the races are being divided against each other. No accident, rather design so we cannot stand against what is coming…

‘Get Woke, Go Broke?’ 37% Buying Less Coke

To tie in a bit of good news here, remember Coca-Cola’s recent anti-white rhetoric?

  • Related: Coca-Cola Trains Employees: “Try To Be Less White”…

Apparently, a fair amount of various colored AMERICANS did not care for Coke’s racist stance.

According to Rasmussen Reports,

37% of American Adults the company’s stand against the new Georgia law makes them less likely to purchase Coca-Cola products. Twenty-five percent (25%) say they are more likely to buy Coke, but 30% say the company’s political stance doesn’t make much difference.

This means,

  • 37% have half a brain
  • 25% are stone cold racists
  • 30% have no backbone

How about that, a third.

I tell you what.

If the 37% hold to their guns and do not buy Coke. Coke will change their tune in no time. This is all about promoting radical agendas to change our nation, appearing popular, but most importantly… Profit. Without sales, these companies cannot spout their non-sense which only divided all of us, (see: Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology the Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As a Disguise).

All good people, all races need to stand together and fight this.

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