2030 Agenda: Emissions Fell During Lockdown. Let’s Keep It That Way

If you didn’t get your morning dose of climate change propaganda, here you go! This came from the World Economic Forum in September. They want us to know, during lockdowns, global emissions fell. You have to read their three opening bullet points, they are great!

  • As the focus shifts to recovering from COVID-19, will we take decisions that restore economies and support the “green” agenda?
  • Or are we stuck on the notion that we need to choose between them?
  • There will be no point in rebuilding economies and lives if we sacrifice the future of the planet.

The future of the planet. Doom, doom, dooooom!

United Nations Paranoia

The United Nations adds to the paranoia.

“Mother Nature is not waiting”, the UN chief warned, as the past decade was the hottest on record, and the world continues to see rising sea-levels, scorching temperatures, devastating tropical cyclones and epic wildfires. “We need a green planet — but the world is on red alert,” he said. “We are at the verge of the abyss.  We must make sure the next step is in the right direction.  Leaders everywhere must take action.”  

The planet’s on ‘red alert’ UN chief warns leaders at President Biden’s climate summit

This guy is insane, seriously.

I tell you what, all this paranoid talk reminds me of that robot from Lost In Space shouting, “Danger, danger Will Robinson!”

Biden’s 2030 Agenda

To answer their question, Biden and friends are going to support the Green Agenda. At least they called it an “agenda”.

Yesterday, Biden announced the U.S. will aim to cut U.S. emissions in half by 2030 as part of the Paris Climate Pact.

The Biden administration has been under immense pressure from environmental groups and climate scientists to commit to an emissions cut of at least 50 percent, compared to 2005 levels. Cutting emissions in half globally by 2030 is seen as necessary if the world is to meet U.N. goals to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

I love how they brag about cutting emissions by 50%, then explain compared to 2005 levels. That’s only slightly deceptive. How about we compare it to today’s numbers since that was 16 years ago…

“These steps will set America on a path of net zero emissions economy by no later than 2050,” Biden said in remarks from the White House. “But the truth is, America represents less than 50 percent of the world’s emissions. No nation can solve this crisis on our own, as I know you all fully understand.”

America has a population of roughly 330 million, while China and India both have populations over 1.3 billion each. So yes, if we want to play climate change, then everyone needs to be involved.

That sounds like globalization if you ask me. It’s the new religion of the world, (Romans 1:25). The god is earth and if you fail to worship her, she shall punish thee with storms that cometh upon thee!

We live in an insane world folks.

So this entire globalist climate change agenda was massively escalated by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Remember what the World Economic Forum told us?

The global pandemic has shone a light on significant domestic and international weaknesses. It also exposed some of the myths and fallacies of conventions used to explain the world. Changes that were already happening have been accelerated, fulfilling in a few months what might have otherwise taken decades.

What Will The World Look Like After COVID-19?

So there we have it. COVID has been used to advance globalization.

The Pope’s Globalist Rant

As usual, the Pope never lets a PR moment go to waste. He chimes in on climate change as well saying,

“Both global catastrophes, COVID and climate change, show that there is no time to lose,” the pope said in a video message to mark Earth Day 2021. “Time is pressing and, as COVID-19 taught us, yes, we have the means to rise up to the challenge.”

“We have the means. It is time to act, we are at the limit,” he said.

“For some time now we have been becoming more aware that nature deserves to be protected, if only because human interactions with God-given biodiversity must take place with the utmost care and respect: caring for biodiversity, caring for nature,” Francis said in his Spanish-language address.

“Both global catastrophes”, manufactured or not.


We will continue to hear about man-made climate change, even though it’s been fabricated. I mean how often do we hear about record cold fronts in various places across the globe? Further, the earth goes through natural cycles. The evidence is everywhere far before man stepped foot on the planet.

Yet, the globalists will tell you those are signs of global warming.

Only in the mind of someone hell bent on destroying your way of life.

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