We Have A Mess On Our Hands People!

It’s starting to feel like March 2020 again. The daily onslaught of COVID propaganda is reaching new heights.

Apparently, everyone is feeling it.

While I typically read emails after the news, today I read one beforehand. The reader said, “I can’t begin to tell you how sick I am of all this covid propaganda.”

You and me both, you and me both.

Within that email, they provided a couple links for me to take a look at. One came from Yahoo and the article title was, ‘It’s Too Late’: Doctor Says Dying COVID-19 Patients Are Begging For Vaccines. Apparently, people are just dying to get the COVID jab.

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

That headline competed with the one I found a day earlier, ‘This Virus Will Find Everybody Who Is Not Immune’: Mayo Doctor’s Strong Warning Over COVID’s Delta Variant.

Ironically enough, COVID continues to find those who have been fully vaccinated as well. Apparently, six Democrats fled Texas in order to prevent a vote on election integrity. They went to D.C. and spread the virus to other fully vaccinated people, being reps for Pelosi and Biden.

If you ask me, these six Democrats are criminals for attempting to usurp the Texas government. Further, this once again proves, COVID-19 vaccination is not the end all.

Even if you get the jab, you can still get and spread COVID-19. We have a clear cut example here. Now I know, I know, Fox News host Sean Hannity said, “I believe in the science of vaccination”.

I wonder if he still believes in that science?

You should probably know, the majority of Physicians don’t. The majority of Physicians have forgone COVID-19 vaccination. Apparently, they don’t believe in the science of vaccination like Sean does.

But what do they know?

They are Doctors and Sean, well, he is a talking head for the right.

In reality, the loony left and the right are trying to get us vaccinated. This whole thing is a mess. Over and over again it has been proven, these vaccines are not the end all, not even close.

Then factor in the deaths and side effects from them. It’s bothersome to say the least, nevertheless, our government and those around the world continue to push this propaganda on the people. We hear it day in and day out, and now, COVID-19 cases are rising once again.

In Texas I heard of the Lambda variant, in Illinois it’s the Gamma variant. In your state, it’s the who knows variant. In wacky California, Los Angelas is already putting mask mandates back in place, indoors only for now.

In another article, Biden and friends are considering pushing masking talk for the vaccinated, all in an effort to “stop the spread”.

Folks, we are a year and half into this. Apparently, this virus is just going to keep on keeping on. It’s going to morph into new variants and if you’re going to get it, you’re going to get it. It doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated or not, and wearing a Biden mask is not going to prevent the spread. Numerous studies have been conducted which have shown that is bogus talk.

So the mess continues.

In fact, it got real messy when I saw this headline, WHO chief warns that the world is going into the ‘early stages of another wave’. Actually, I said an explicative out loud on that one, and that’s truly what triggered this messy article.

I have to provide you a few quotes from this one, the WHO Chief Tedros said,

“19 months into the pandemic, and seven months since the first vaccines were approved, we are now in the early stages of another wave of infections and deaths.” Tedros added that the global threat of the pandemic will remain until all countries have a handle on the disease.

The article went on to say,

Tedros criticized the vaccine discrepancies between wealthy and low-income countries. He said 75% of all vaccine doses — more than 3.5 billion shots — have been administered in just 10 countries while only 1% of people in poorer nations have received at least one shot.

One more quote,

“The pandemic will end when the world chooses to end it. It’s in our hands,” Tedros said. “We have all the tools we need: we can prevent this disease, we can test for it, and we can treat it.”

So there you have it.

In their mind, the tools are the vaccines. To hell what the majority of the Physicians think. It only matters what the left and right in the mainstream media believe, oh, a Sloppy Joe Biden of course, and the WHO. Pretty much any radical leftists who are in bed with the globalists.

Speaking of the left, look what Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera said (he is still a thing?),

“Hearing crazy talk on cable TV right now about folks having the constitutional right not to get vaccinated. Yes (they may be dopey) but they do have that right. We too have rights: to deny the unvaccinated access to our home, school or business.”


So now the schools and businesses are yours?

Who exactly is “our” in that statement Mr. Rivera?

Let me guess… The vaccinated.

As in the six Democrats from Texas vaccinated.

Got it.

Them’s fighting words there buddy, not all of us are going to take it sitting down. I can guarantee you that one. You don’t own all the schools or businesses either. Fox News appears to be pumping out the COVID propaganda just as much as the loony left.


Nope, but this just adds to the mess that… Continues…

Across the pond, they are more radically left than our nation has become. Look at this headline I found, “Calls for Australians who refuse Covid vaccinations to be BANNED from pubs, restaurants, offices, planes, and even leaving their own homes”.

Within that article, the Australian politician Frank Pangallo said,

‘While people might still have a choice whether or not to get vaccinated, what they can do in the community will need to be controlled and restricted,’ Mr Pangallo said.

‘They would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated. 

‘It might also have to apply for workplaces.’ 

So as you can see, it’s the same story all across the world. It’s the same story in Australia, it’s the same story in America on Fox News, and it’s certainly the same story within the liberal media in general.

Do as the world says, or you are banned from society.

That’s the mantra these days, we throw out the Constitution in the name of safety, heck, these days, we throw out the Constitution because it’s “racist”.

When you boil all this down folks, it means the rights of the people around the world are being removed. The only thing that matters is whatever the government and talking heads tell you, that is your truth. Anything else, is a lie. Anything else does not matter for the good of the “collective”.

The “collective” is what matters. In the last year and a half we have seen a lot of that. I still recall the United Nations say let’s stop all the wars, unite humanity. It’s a globalist mantra. The same mantra that talks about man-made climate change.

Oh, and if you don’t believe in that one, well then, you are a fool as well says the government and mainstream media. You see, the whole man-made climate change thing, it’s just another religion. It’s earth worship, God even talked about that in the Good Book, (Romans 1:25).

It’s another way to unite the world in agreement, to get them to work together, just like they are doing with COVID-19. All roads lead to globalization my friends, we are seeing more and more by the day.

What kind of mess will we be in tomorrow…

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