COVID Paranoia Spurs Segregation

Our governments and institutions told us segregation is wrong, and I would agree with that. However, when it comes to an invisible bug which we cannot see, we are told segregation is okay.

I mean are you really paying attention to the hypocrisy here people, or am I alone in the dark?

I don’t know, you tell me…

The way I see it, we are being told what to think and believe at every corner of life these days. There is even a movement to have free range kids, I’m sure the pervs just love that idea. Then, this morning I found an article about a she-male on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

All the old ideals and thoughts concerning Christianity and individuality are being thrown out the window in the name of the “collective”, and the new way of doing things. ie: anything goes.

Do you not see that, and if you do, do those around you see that?

Let me know, seriously, I want to hear your side of the story.

So let’s talk about some of the segregation we are seeing today…

England To Demand Vaccination Proof For Clubs, Mass Events

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that English nightclubs and other venues with large crowds will require patrons to present proof of full vaccination from the end of September.

“I can serve notice now that by the end of September when all over 18s will have had their chance to be double jabbed, we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather,” Johnson told a press conference.


So let me get this straight.

Right now, Brits can go bar hoppin’, clubbin’, and whatever else, and that does not spread COVID.

However, come September, if they have not been vaccinated, then no bar or club.


Do you not see what’s going on here?

Look what the entire article is about, bars and clubs which involve drunkenness and indecency. The government is purposely putting out this information to condition, to brainwash the younger generation into conforming.

‘Hey, no jab, then no immoral behavior out of you buddy.’

So this is being sold to the younger generation, to ensure they comply. This is not about stopping a virus, this is not about getting a vaccine into your arm. This is about you complying. This is about control. This is about you obeying whatever the government and institutions tell you.

Institutions, as in your place of employment among other things.

Our entire way of thinking and our societies are all being re-wired right now. To think in new ways that we did not think before, and it’s not for our betterment, but for the betterment of those who seek to globalize the world.

So you get the segregation here…

I hope.

Now for another one.

NFL Recommends Teams Use ‘Color Coded Wristbands’ to Identify Vaccinated Players, Employees

The NFL has sent a memo instructing all 32 teams to develop a method for identifying players, coaches, and employees who have received the coronavirus vaccine.

While identifying personnel who have been vaccinated, such a system would also make obvious which personnel have not been vaccinated.


Now these guys are in the gym sweating on each other, breathing on each other. Then they go out onto the field and do it some more.

Talk about a COVID spreader!

But hey, in this case it’s okay. Because the NFL is entertainment, like bars and clubs. It’s a distraction from reality, yet, they have made it where it’s not a distraction at all…

Through entertainment, they are putting forward this radical agenda of conformity. Even though you go to these venues to escape reality…


Reality is presented to you right from the government and institutions to ensure you are complying. Notice, it’s all coordinated. The NFL is in America, Britain is well, in Britain, across the pond, etc.

These days, it does not matter what nation or institution. They are all pushing the same line.

One more article.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” CDC Dir. Walensky says in White House Covid briefing. “We are seeing outbreaks of cases in parts of the country that have low vaccination coverage … Communities that are fully vaccinated are generally faring well.”


A pandemic of the unvaccinated?

So they are blaming those of us who have not conformed to the “collective” way of thinking.

If you have not been vaccinated, well then hey, you are responsible for the deaths of your fellow countrymen.

On the flip side of that, maybe someone should tell the CDC Director about the CDC report indicating there were over 93,000 overdose (drugs) deaths in 2020, the highest in U.S. history.

Why do you think that happened?

People killed themselves due to the government mandated lockdowns.

Government killed people due to their illegal laws.

How many reports have we seen about this sort of thing, and they are attempting to scare people into doing it again. Los Angeles is already implementing mask mandates again, that’s how it begins. Slowly, but surely.

I pray to God we are not going back to that.

Doing What Is Right

The point here is, more segregation is being developed and we are allowing it by not speaking against it. I know there are large Christian denominations out there, large conservative organizations out there.

Folks, we have to speak out against this sort of thing.

If the French and Brits can do it, why can’t we?

If we allow this to continue, and segregation becomes a reality over an invisible bug we cannot see. We can only imagine the future. American’s and people over the world will conform to whatever the government demands from us. Freedom will be a thing of the past, the “collective” is the only thing that will matter.

Don’t think it cannot happen. Don’t think it will not last for generations.

Christians, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Do not assume this means the Last Days are wrapping up here.

Remember what is written in Hebrews…

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Hebrews 1:2

That was 2,000 years ago my friends.

I just don’t want “prophesy” to breed “complacency”.

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