We Liked Multiculturalism, Until We Didn’t

Inspired by the events of today.

For years and decades, Western society said, we must have “diversity, equality, and inclusiveness” within our culture. We must become multicultural, where all people can live in harmony, together.

“We must be fair, just, and right. We must provide equal opportunity for all,” they told us.

So, our once-blessed nations invited third-world immigrants into our first-world nations by the thousands. Then by the tens of thousands, and soon after, by the hundreds of thousands.

Throughout that time, there was a sect of Western society that rebelled against this notion. You see, some Western citizens thought inviting hordes of people from different regions of the world, into ours, was a bad idea.

Some thought, different cultures cannot co-mingle in the same nation. They thought, if we are to have legal immigration, it must be slow, it must be gradual, so the newcomers could assimilate into our culture.

If not, there will be strife, there will be prejudices on all sides.

The reasons were simple.

Western culture is built on our European heritage, which then turned into American heritage. We had our Christian faith, our rule of law, and our own way of life. People in third-world nations were used to poverty, crime, and they embraced a god that was not our own.

They had their own way of doing things, just like Western civilization had their own way.

Yet, Western society was told, that such beliefs are racist and bigoted.

So, our nations invited in more immigrants.

By the millions they came, for the milk and honey that America and Europe freely gave. Soon after, laws began to change in “the West.” These laws benefitted the immigrants, even over the citizens that built their own nation, and paid taxes to it.

As time passed, more immigrants came to the land of milk and honey.

No matter which President was in power, more immigrants came, even illegal immigrants came. They began to pour over the border, by the millions they came.


Then, our politics became shaky, and our nation became divided over these issues, issues that were once not even a thought, had now divided Western civilization, not just our individual nations.

Soon after, our statues and monuments that concerned the history of our nation, right or wrong, were torn down. Even torn down by the immigrants! We were told, such historical monuments are racist, and should not be on public display.

So our nation conformed some more.

Our elected representatives began to dismantle our history. Our remembrances of our past victories and sins, so we could remember them no more.

These elected representatives even came under the cover of night, to dismantle and remove our history, our monuments, our culture.

Time passed some more…

Source: USA Today

Tens of millions of immigrants, from third-world nations now resided within the borders of America, and they became, “Americans,” often, in name only…

This entitled them to run for office, and they did.

In many instances, these immigrants or children of immigrants were easily elected to office. You see, they lived in a portion of the United States that purposely funneled immigrants into various blocks of land.

This concentrated them into one area.

Since immigration wasn’t gradual, but en-mass, and since these people did not assimilate into our culture…

  • They retained their own culture and heritage.
  • They retained their own thought process from their impoverished nations.
  • They retained their own god or gods and other practices counter to our own.

With time, they won their local elections, and they slowly moved up the chain.

Time progressed some more…

The immigrants had now become Congressmen and Congresswomen, Senators, and leaders. They now were able to form new laws, and abolish those already in place.

You see, since many of these immigrants retained their own culture and heritage, that was the ideology many of them led with. They didn’t lead with America in their heart, but their former homes, their distant lands, their tradition, culture, and, their own gods.

This created a massive rift in America.

Nearly overnight, society changed.

Television began to depict a society that did not exist, all in the name of “diversity.” If you did not conform to this new way of thinking, you were cast aside, as a relic from the distant past.

America slowly crumbled, and then she crumbled some more.

You see, in an effort to appease the newcomers, a portion of our own heritage and culture was erased. This included stifling our God, the only True God there is. Such sentiment was considered, “intolerant” and banished from the public square.

So America crumbled some more.

She crumbled and crumbled, until America was no more.

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